Channel 18 Episode 1

Skah whistled and Cree was too busy fighting a nosebleed.

Yuki flashed a glance back at Itsumi, trying hard not to laugh..

Itsumi horrified, turned around to see her TV persona.

"It isn’t me Yuki!" She shouted "She doesn't have any fashion taste"

"Honey I don't see any fashion taste. You both look the same and you both act the same. So how does it feel do be on television at your best?" Yuki asked getting in her face.

"Shove it you flaming bastard." She said clenching her fist.

"Oh boy the fanboys are going to go insane.” He nudged Skah and Cree and they started laughing.

"WHOOO Itsumi youre hot." Akira shouted.

"Well that’s another fanboy" Skah said laughing his head off.

"Akira's stupid he doesn't count" Yuki said dialing the number for the DVDs.

"What are you doing?" She asked grabbing his green hair.

"Increasing our ratings, god the fans will love this.” Yuki said. “Hello, yes give me fifty."


“God you people are noisy.” Cree said.

“Wow, that was some night” Akira said yawning. He patted Itsumi on the back. She shrugged his hand off. Her white hair was a tangled mess. She sent death threats to all the people who were in charge of the video.

“The DVDs should ship soon.” Yuki said getting a bagel out of the toaster. Itsumi slowly turned her head towards him. Her eyes glowed red “What did you just say?” She asked

“I ordered the DVDs and the rights to air the program on our show. “We really need to boost our ratings.” Cree said walking in with a clipboard

“WHY?” Itsumi screamed “WHY?”

“You need to be on the spotlight for once.” Yuki said kicking his legs up and lying on the couch. They were all sitting in the lounge of Channel 18.

“That is not the spotlight I want, YUKI!” She yelled throwing a punch at him.

“But you have to admit. You are kinda hot acting like that.” Skah said laughing.

“I can’t take this crap!” Itsumi said pulling a butcher knife out of her pants. “I AM UNDERAPRECIATED AND NONE OF YOU GIVE A DAMN” she said chunking the knife, with her right hand towards Akira. It missed him by inches.

“You missed.” Akira said nearly fainting.

“Idiot!” Itsumi began, pulling the butcher knife from the wall. “I am left handed. If I used that hand your ass would be dead.”