Yo, so HI dudes.
m'a names floppytroll, don't question that! ;)
I'm a homestuck fan and fan-artist, tho tbh thats something new, I don't often draw atm, tho I try to upload every 2-3 week's, since shit comes and goes u kno?
I'm mainly a Oc artist, aka I make my own character's daily, I'm not much of a comic writer or whatever.
I draw stillz and sometimes I make short animations & giff's, tho those bust my brain. x.X
I'm like the rest of us here an anime nerd xD tho i'd say I only just qualify as an otaku, I don't rly see myself as one and I don't like to stick a label on myself saying so.
but whatever.
Thought this site looked like fun, tho very complex and a little annoying, so y not give it a try, and make me more homicidal towards my laptop >__>"