
Unfortunately I haven't found a photo for her.

FULL NAME: Jessica Iftw A.

BIRTHDAY:February 7

NICKNAMES: Jess, Jessie, Jessa, Messica, Messy, Jessica Shmessica, Iftw, Candy. And so far, that's all I know.

AGE: Not quite sure yet. I have to discuss that with my co-writer. A.K.A Amby.

LOVE INTEREST: Luke and Aidan.

APPEARANCE: Dark, dark brown hair. Black/Dark brown eyes. Beauty mark on right cheek. Fullish lips. Etc, etc, etc.

PERSONALITY: Usually happy and hyper but can be really serious sometimes. Doesn't handle stress or dramatic stuff very well. Loves laughing and making people laugh. Enjoys watching horror movies. Loves a good scare. Is usually grumpy before 10am. Loves to slide her cell phone up and down. Really sick-minded/perverted.

LIKES: Candy. Ice cream. Jolt. Belting out lyrics while in a store or anywhere for that matter. Loves to dance wildly. Likes to skip in places. Practically anything with sugar. Strawberries. Bananas (Yes, I mean the fruit. Or do I?) Aidan. Luke (You'll find out about him later in the story.) Animals. Music. Reading. Writing. Partying. Hanging out with friends. Rain. Rayne. (You'll find out who she is later in the story) The rest of her friends and family. Etc, etc, etc.

DISLIKES: People who hunt animals for selfish needs. People who abuse animals or other people. Aidan (Only a bit.) Sluts/w*****. Suck-ups. Stuck up people. Being used. Being the damsel in distress. People who steal her candy. Bugs and spiders (They give me the creeps.) People who want everything to be perfect. Big words. Math (It's very confusing.) People who are always serious. Etc, etc, etc.

Jessica can be very immature and hates it when people tell her to grow up. She can hold a grudge for as long as she wants. She usually finds herself in trouble. She's not very coordinated with sharp objects but she knows how to be if she needs to. She likes playing with fire and can get really mad if you make her. She hates having to be saved all the time and likes it when she does things on her own. She hates having to be protected all the time and likes being independent. And much, much more.
