Just a quick introduction:p

Omg I don't know how to make a new post. Uh, ask me anything here (formspring)

Blog about personal life and WIPs here:

Hello~ I'm Cherie (or cheriepy). You can find me at deviantart under the same username --> http://cheriepy.deviantart.com
(please say hi to me if you have an account! We can be friends there too:)

||Gender|| ?? (I'm sure you can guess though^^)
||D.O.B|| 15th of December 199X
||Location|| Australia
||Height|| 147cm OTL
||Likes|| Moe// loli, purple candy
||Dislikes|| cockroaches, pink, crossing roads

I've been drawing using photoshop + tablet since... around January 2010. The fandoms I'm into at the moment are VOCALOID and Touhou.


Thank you everyone for taking the time to leave a comment, and offering me help. I also have pretty slow internet because my brother almost always uses it 3 days into the month.
