Hello everyone!
I've finally finished exams for the year-- gosh it's been so hot and I can't concentrate anymore. I'm going to go to Hong Kong at the end of the month with my family because my brother won the Gunpla competition at Smash (which was two tickets to Hong Kong to represent Team Australia). Before heading off, I'm going to have two birthday parties~ one my friends are throwing, and the other my parents are throwing... because they feel like it lol, I dunno. Maybe it's because I haven't done anything for a long, long time and I'm becoming a hikkikomori at home:(
So yeah, I've been pretty stressed lately. Time to play Little Busters EX to brush up my Japanese and to do some drawing. Maybe. I just don't really feel like it anymore.
Uh, anyways, I've re-opened my formspring after 7 months of disabling it for personal reasons. Feel free to drop questions because my inbox is very lonely-_____-;;
--> [B]http://www.formspring.me/cheriepy
Happy holidays everyone! Have an awesome Christmas and a happy new year! Wow, can't believe I've nearly been here for an entire year. Thank you for becoming welcoming, and making this a fun and enjoyable year for me here at theotaku^^