Welcome to my world.

I'm Chero Aoyama, well that's what my friends call me.

Favorite anime/manga: HETALIA, Durarara!!, Tokyo Mew Mew, Naruto, Kuroshitsuji, Death Note, Blood+, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Yugioh! (original series), Case Closed and more.

Favorite Book series: Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and a bunch more

Favorite Movies: Mulan, Beauty and the Beast and Howl's Moving Castle

I do not tolerate mean comments because I am a Christian, nor do I tolerate mean things said about anyones religion.
I will do request or art trades if wanted.
If you have a birthday coming up tell me and I'll make you a present.
Art Trades:Open


Yesterday=worse day of my life.

.....View yesterdays post and add how sorry I am for something else...
and you have the worst day ever.

*is dead*

I hate rain.
It stormed last night, ruined the camping trip my church was going on...
and rained a lot today. Almost ruined camping today.
It was a complete muddy mess.
My feet were so gross. *hates to get feet dirty*
I love camping but that was bad.
And to make matters worse I found out my ACT is next Saturday...not this one...
*woke up early for nothing.*
So now I get to stress for another week.

"SUMMER OF 10!!!" *shoots annoying kid*

I AM DONE WITH SCHOOL! *is shot for bragging*
So...I need to explain my title. When school got out some freshman..ran through the halls yelling.
"SUMMER OF 10!!! SUMMER OF 10!!!" > <
So yay now I can work on my writing.....*probably wont* *shot for giving false hope*
Yaaa so I'm a senior now..D:
YOU UNDERCLASSMEN GOTTA RESPECT MEH. Respect your senpai! *expects to be called that now* *shot again* D:
I feel old. *to the emo corner*
Pfft. weeeelll anyways I was tagged. Read below.

What do you have:
[X] Mother
[X] Father
[] Step-Father
[] Step-Mother
[] Step Sister
[] Step Brother
[] Brother
[] Brother In Law
[x] Sister (1 of them)
[] Sister In Law
[] Half Sister
[] Half Brother
[] Nephew
[] Niece
[] Boyfriend/Girlfriend
[X] Mobile Phone
[] Own Bathroom
[x] Own Room
[] Have/had a swimming pool (I wish!)
[] Have/had a hot tub
[] Guest room
[X] Living room
[] Own computer
[] Own TV
[] Flat TV
[] There is some big carpet at your house
Total: 6

[] Full size/queen bed
[] More than 8 pairs of shoes ( I have 8 XD)
[x] MP3 Player/ipod
[] PS2/3
[] Nintendo DS or PSP (the power of Kingdom Hearts compels me lol)
[] Gameboy/Advance (it's old but it still there none the less)
[] Gamecube
[] Xbox/Xbox 360
[] Wii
[] Your own laptop
[] Basketball net/hoop
[] Air hockey table
[] Pool table
[] Ping pong table
[] football table
[] sport gear
Total so far: 7

[x] Night Stand
[] Stereo in bedroom
[ ] surround system
[] DVD player in bedroom/portable
Total so far: 8

[X] Go shopping at least once a week (for whatever)
[] Expensive cologne/perfume
[x] Camera on phone
Total so far: 11

[x] Go cart/car/quad
[x] Guitar/drums/bass (my sister has a guitar)
[x] Piano/keyboard(my sister)
[x] Any other instrument(my sister
[] Been on a cruise
[x] Traveled out of the country(Canada)
[] Had a personal trainer
[X] Expensive Jewelry
[] Met a celeb
Total so far: 17

[x] Straightener/curling iron
[x] Have been to the batting cage
[] Have $100 on you right now in your pocket/wallet
[] Credit card or ATM card or debit card or bank card
[] Have a TV in your room
[] Mirror in your room
[X] Window in your room
[] Been to Paris
[] Been to Rome
[] Been to Australia
[] Been to Switzerland
[] Been to Dubai
[] Been to Germany
[] Been to a place in 7 wonders
Total so far: 20

[X] Parents have a car
[] Have owned or own a jet ski/boat
[x] Had/Have camped
[X] Been to 3+ states/countries/provinces
[] 80+ buddies on facebook/myspace
Total so far: 23

[x] Have a home cooked meal almost everyday
[x] Been in a limo
[] Been in a helicopter
[] Own a camera
[] Have been to Disneyland/World more than 2 times

Total: 25

Post as:
1-25 = Ghetto! (tag 5 people)
26-40 = Average teen! (tag 10 people)
41-50 = Spoiled teen! (tag 15 people)
51+ = Upper class snob! (tag 20 people)

D: I'm ghetto. D: B-but I have a ton of other stuff it didn't ask about. *is not ghetto*
....Whomever has not done this, is who I tag...

Riku AMV

Yaaaayyyy!!! I finished it!!! *dies*
Ugh this took forever...going through all the cut scenes...
Hime will be happy cause now I can focus more on my writing. My Mewruto fic and my teams course fic...*nods*
I used the song "again"...well...again...cause it really fit Riku in my opinion. Atleast this version. The song was by This person
Ummm....well that's it. I hope you like it. ^ ^;

Imma doing this anyways

1) What name do you go by?
Chero, Cher, Cherry<--By Riku only.

2) Is there someone you would go out of your way to help?

3) If so, who.
my friends and family

4) Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?
I considered a small cross tattoo....but realized they use needles for those. O.O

5) If yes, what would it be and where?
My ankle

6) What colour is your room?
Hmm...Black, red and yellowish gold...It's oriental themed

7) What is your favourite animal?
Weasel....*shot* It's a kitty

8) If you could have a super power what would it be?
hmmm healing powers

9) Where are you right now?
my house

10) What is your greatest fear in life?
.....huge life altering changes

11) If there was one thing you could change about yourself what would it be. And why?
hmmm....I wish I was less of a worrier/stresser. My friends tell me I'm going to die from that. XD

12) If you could be anyone in the whole world fiction or non fiction who would it be and why?
hmmm...either Ichigo from TMM...Enola Holmes from the Enola Holmes Series or....Hmmm....if I was a guy...Itachi *shot* or Riku *shot* or Sherlock Holmes
....No...wait....Harry Potter. *shot 100xs*

13) Have you ever played the floor is made out of lava?
Yus. XD Onee-chana and I played that all the time

14) What is your religious status?
Ummm...Confirmed Methodist Christain? *does not know what ya want*

15) Do you have a pet?
I have 2 kitties and a doggy

16) What is your current favourite song?
Hmmm...Again by Yui

17) What are are your favourite colours?
Blue, purple, black, silver....

18) What is your all time favourite baddie or group?
b-but Itachi is a good boy. *shot* The Akatsuki is cool.
.....Kabuto!!!<--My second favorite Naruto character

19) Who do you think is the greatest of all time?
Hmmm...Riku or Itachi *shot* Sorry guys. Imma have to say Jesus. He kinda pwns you both

20) Is there something you should be doing right now?
Ummm...preparing for the upcoming ACT

21) Who is your best friend?
*does not like favortism* I'll name a few. *has lots* Hime....Itachi...Kasa...Kera....Den....Fun...Kat....I'd say Riku but we have not reach that level yet. *shot*

22) What is your favourite season?

23) What do you do to pass the time?
Write stories, draw, make AMV's, read, get on theO

24) Who would you want to play as you, in a movie of your life?
Miley Cyrus *shot 110xs* D: jk Hmm...idk...I want my life movie to be an animated!!

25) Do your prefer apples or pears

26) Are you the type of person to make promises you know you cannot keep?
I try not to.

27) When is it ok to lie?
never.........though under certain circumstances... like, "Was my mother in pain when she died?" and saying no when the answer is yes...

28) What is your worst memory?
....Last summer at camp. Pwns any other bad memory

29) Coffee or tea?
Tea coffee is nasty

30) Do you smoke?

31) Do you drink?
Yes....I kinda need water to live....OH you mean alcohol? .....Under age people

32) How would you spend your ultimate day?
hmmmmm doing everything I want

33) Do or did you enjoy school?
depends on the day

34) Is there someone you love?

35) What are your life dreams?
to be a teacher, a published writer, a mother, wife and a good Christain woman. And I wanna be happy

36) Have you ever tasted the rainbow?
.....Rainbows have a flavor?

37) Which do you think is more important love or money?
luv though society says other wise....*sigh*

38) What do you think of art?
it's a great way to express yourself

39) What do you think your friends think of you?
hnnn....that I am strange....a goody-goody...teachers pet...D: As for my online friends....I was told I was funny...O.o

40) What do you want to be when you grow up?
....a teacher/writer and hopefully a mother

41) How do you want to die?
peacefully, and surrounded by loved ones

42) What do you think of your best friend?
Ummm.... my best friend is awesome. Lots of fun, makes me laugh, a nice person...though she says other wise.....supportive and always there for me. HIME!!! *glomps*

43) What is your favourite weather?
sunny, with a breeze...around 70 degrees

44) Can you swim?

45) Favourite food?

46) Favourite book?
D: Can't decide...

47) What is the most stupid thing you have ever done?
Ummm....broken someone who I care about a lot's trust

48) What is the craziest thing you have ever eaten?
.....Hmmm....my blood...O.O I had a nose bleed....and was curious...

49) What is the worst thing you ever drank?
medicine you take when you have pnemonia (SP?)

50) What will you never ever do again?
Ummm....go up in the St. Louis Arch. That thing is scary

51) What was the most stupid idea you have ever had?
wearing uncomfortable shoes to an all day event where I sat down twice

52) Best prank ever?

53) What are your top 3 most annoying things ever?
you. jk preppy people, annoying people...perverted comments...

54) Do you hate my quiz?
YES! jk it's cool

55) Who was the last person you saw?

56) What was the last thing you did?
ate some pizza

57) What is your favourite element?

58) What would you do if I offered you some dark chocolate?
"YUM!! Thanks!" *takes it and noms on it*

59)The world will end in 3 minutes what will you do?
pray with my family

60) Will you rate this quiz? 1 being crap 10 being awesome.
8.9 XD *shot*
.....I tag Riku...... and Itachi if he reads this.