Welcome to my world.

I'm Chero Aoyama, well that's what my friends call me.

Favorite anime/manga: HETALIA, Durarara!!, Tokyo Mew Mew, Naruto, Kuroshitsuji, Death Note, Blood+, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Yugioh! (original series), Case Closed and more.

Favorite Book series: Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and a bunch more

Favorite Movies: Mulan, Beauty and the Beast and Howl's Moving Castle

I do not tolerate mean comments because I am a Christian, nor do I tolerate mean things said about anyones religion.
I will do request or art trades if wanted.
If you have a birthday coming up tell me and I'll make you a present.
Art Trades:Open


TehO Hates me...

I apparently fail at making e-cards...Because they keep rejecting my cards. *pouts*
Soooo I posted two versions of my Itachi card on photobucket for Itachi's contest.
External Image
External Image
*stares at cards...*
Hmmm I guess the font is a little hard to read...Maybe that's why I was rejected??? O.O Well here's what it say:
"An honorable Peace is and always was my first wish. I can take no delight in the effusion of human Blood; but, if this War should continue, I wish to have the most active part in it." -John Paul Jones
I think this quote matches Itachi-sama perfectly.


So... I made this AMV....
It's not very good, but I work hard on it. ^ ^ I hope you like it.
I'm not a HUGE fan of the song myself...Due to my deep dislike of High School Musical....BUT if ya actually listen to the lyrics...You'll find it fits Itachi-sama quite well. *sigh* My friend is going to find a better fitting song for the greatness that is Itachi-sama....But until then we are stuck with this. Tell me what ya think.

Oh and apparently many people have used this song with Itach-sama. Odd huh?

Kiss my finger! Make it better!

So today in Bio2 we did blood typing... and I'm a whimp....
So...The teacher had to stab my finger for me three times. O.O
The first time we all found out that the paper we had put the blood on was abosorbing too much of the liquid to tell....
The second time I didn't bleed enough...
So third times a charm.... O.O
So...yeah... My finger hurts... It has a bandage on it that says "I love Andrea" (girl in my Scifi class) and I <3 Tobi (as in Naruto's Tobi) that my friend wrote...
This occured because Andrea got a cut, so I was joking and said I would sign her bandage....Which I did...So then she and my friend both signed my bandage....And then my friend took on and put it on her neck.
"You look like you got a hikey or was bit by a vampire." I told her. I doodled on it....
But anyways...
I'm O+ Yay. .....Which sucks by the way because I can give to anyone who has positive blood, but I can only recieve blood from people with O+ or O- blood....And do you know how uncommon O blood is compared to other types?......
But the funny thing is there turned out to be three O+ and one O- peeps in our class. ^ ^
I told my lab partner that if I pass out from getting my finger pricked find a hot vampire to carry me to the nurse's office. (Twilight reference...*shot*) She said I would have to wait a while.

I'm dead inside.

I apologize for my rplonged absence....I BLAME SCHOOL. It's evil and the devil....
I would like to inform you that I have been going to school a half an hour earlier and a half hour later to help make up some time so the stupid underclassmen (Not going towards my lovely underclassmen friend.) have to take a week long test next week. (Though I get to sleep in all week!!!)
AND last Saturday and this Saturday....School.....
And since I happen to go to church every Sunday...
No sleeping for Chero.
Plus I've had a lot of school work...
It's annoying....
And for some reason I cannot seem to turn a library book in on time lately...
So I had a huge fine on my card when I went there today....
Now I'm going to be like 20 pages behind on the RPing site I go on...
So....If I vanish for a few more days I apologize.

So....How have you been?

St. Valentines Day Vent

I really need to vent.
I hate Valentines day more than ever before....I never liked it.
Being a shallow day that you give gifts to your loved ones to who your love when you should love them everyday...
But now I really dislike it...
St. Valentines day was created in order to celebrate a great man. This man, St. Valentine was a Christian Martyr.
During the time when Rome was still in charge they forbid any young man from getting married...So Valentine would marry young couples in secret.
He was caught and arrested....The guy in charge liked Valentine and agreed to release him if he denounced Christ...But when Valentine refused....
They killed him.
So we started to honor him on Feb. 14...But The real reason for V-day is long gone... Now....It's way comercialized...
Maybe I wouldn't detest V-day if I had someone to share it with or if my friends were all single....(they make me suffer talking about the gifts that they recieve.)
........So.....yeah...I kinda made an anti-v-day pic...
But non the less...My day yesterday was not all bad..
I went to this small local resturant with my youth group. That was fun.
(it was all girls and our leader who is a guy)
He was like, "Look at all these couples in here...And look at me. I have many girls!"
I was like, "Yes...You're such a pimp."
Plus...I have not gone to school in over a week..... O.O Stupid snow... I was last at school on the 4th. O.O *brains turning to mush*
Not all good...my power is all iffy...