Welcome to my world.

I'm Chero Aoyama, well that's what my friends call me.

Favorite anime/manga: HETALIA, Durarara!!, Tokyo Mew Mew, Naruto, Kuroshitsuji, Death Note, Blood+, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Yugioh! (original series), Case Closed and more.

Favorite Book series: Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and a bunch more

Favorite Movies: Mulan, Beauty and the Beast and Howl's Moving Castle

I do not tolerate mean comments because I am a Christian, nor do I tolerate mean things said about anyones religion.
I will do request or art trades if wanted.
If you have a birthday coming up tell me and I'll make you a present.
Art Trades:Open



I have not been on much lately
Life has been a bore....
I've had too many snow days.
Now We're probably going to cut into our summer.
So, what's up with you?

Quick Post

A quick post to tell you all I've finished a new AMV!!!
You can view it here:

But I would like if if you went over to the site to comment and to read my desciption which has the lyrics to the song in it.


lol random!
So I had a pretty good birthday. ^.^ I got a volume of Naruto, an issue or SJ, a purple jacket, cute cross earrings AND THE HARRY POTTER MOVIE! Yay!
You know how the DVD has a preview of Deathly Hallows? O.O It's awesome! I can't wait until November!!!! GAH!
Well.... If I don't post before then. Merry Christmas!

Bleh Posting for once...

I been really busy!!!!! :(
I have to read this boring book called "the awakening" for my AP english class.
Ok, so yesterday I had to go with my parents back to *insert college* to drop my sister off. I had fun with her over thanksgiving!
CHRISTMAS IS ALMOST HERE!!!! ....*cough* sorry...
Anyways we stayed in that area so that today I could tour colleges. I toured two and they were both very nice. ^.^
One was a super small Christian college, very religious. ^.^
The other was a larger private school with awesome dorms. ^.^
I had fun, but now I have to finish my book. I FEEL OLD!
I'm also stressing out because next week is gonna be bad.
I'm being inducted into National Honor's Society and I'm turning 17 AND I have to take the ACT over again.... :(
I'm stressing over the ACT....
I need to bring my score up in Math and I'm nervous about taking the writing for the first time. GAH!
Plus I have a zillion other things to do.
Plus! I have some pics I want/need to do:
1. The Host Club membership card.
2. A Christmas pic.
3. this other pic I really want to draw for fun
4. I THINK I still have to draw a pic for the Red day T-shirt thing for my friend.
PLUS I only have three entries in my challange....I know the end of december seems a long way away, but it's not. sooo please get on that?
PLUS! I'm failing on my fan duties, because I can't get on often and my flash player wont work, so I can't get on the chat thingy.... *sigh* PLUS I'm also a host (not saying who) and I'm trying to balance all that stuff at once!
Your stressing out friend,
P.s. If you read all this God bless you. lol

I'm alive

Guess what???
I made another YouTube account cause my other one is getting close to being deleted by YouTube... Soooo mean. :(
It's AyameOojoSama. Subscribe please. I have some new vids up!
Um....I'm working on some pics! I hope to have them up soon.
Happy surfing the web!