Don't ask why I meowed...I just did ok?!
All this week I have VBS(vacation bible school)
I'mj a crew leader which mean I take groups of kids around to different stations.
I have 3 boys and one girl in my crew.
Our theme this year is science.
I have two boys in my group that are brothers, right? And it's really freaky cause they are the sons of my 2nd grade teacher!
She was pregnant with the younger one when I was in her class!
That makes me feel soooo old!!!
Then to make matters worse after I mentioned that the older one said that he thought I was too old to have been in 2nd grade then. He's like "were you held back?"
I'm like, "Nooo!!! I'm 15!!!!"

So, today my Dad took me out driving. O.O I thought I was going to crash three times!!!!
I'm having artist block lately sooo the b-day present I owe Den-chan is going to be put on hold....
I'll send her a present from our new present thing! yay!
Just to satifiy her until I break away from my artist block....
Well, I g2g!
Hey everyone! I'm back!!!! I was at my Grandparent's house! (in Iowa)
It was fun.
So, on our way home we had to drive on a high way the went through a few towns and past corn feilds.....lots of corn feilds.....=.=
So, while we were on this one road there was this pick up truck in front of us and this really hot guy was sitting in the back. My sister was like, "I dare you to wave to him."
I was sitting in the front.
I waved.
He cupped his hand over his eyes to see who was waving , gave a confused look and waved back!
OMG! I laughed soooo hard!
It was sooooo funny!
So, while I was gone I watched Avatar. The last "episode" was AWESOME!!!!!
I'm sooooo sad it's over!!!!
I think they left it open for a movie though.
Cause When Zuko visited his Daddy he's like, "Where's my mother" all dramatically, and we never saw him go get her. Sooo they may make a movie about that.
I'll never watch TV (that I care about, like anime or Avatar) with my younger cousin ever gain. SHE WOULD NOT SHUT-UP!!!!
I was watching it and she'd be like, "why'd so and so do that?" and she kept on calling Sokka, Zuko.... She's like "I don't like Zuko, Katara's brother.... He's annoying." I'm like, "You mean Sokka." "Yeah that's what I said." Then she said, "I like Zuko! He's funny!" "It's SOKKA!!!!"
Yeah..... It was irritating....
OMG! While I was gone my BFF who is Tcat(some numbers I forget..)on Youtube and my friend who is Hellraiserproductions on youtube started dating!!!
It's soooo weird cause they are all mushy now on Youtube.... Leaving comments like "I miss you" or "Can't wait to see you again." THEY EVEN HAVE A SPECIAL YOUTUBE VIDEO!!!!
Why must everything happen while I'm gone???
I mean I'm happy they are together, but what happens if they break up??? Will they make me choose sides????
In other news I was tagged by Kasa....Thanks soooo much....
1. I got my permit
2. My dad is suppost to teach me how to drive today
3. I have three fan fics and two song fics posted on (username is CheroChero)
4. Hellraiser calls me Cheru Cheru....
5. I can hardly wait 9 more days until Breaking Dawn is released
6. My nose itches
7. I have a cat named Squid
8. I'm horrible at video games that require quick action and pressing more than one button at a time. (I learned this will playing my closer to my age Cousin's DS.) Seriously, I played almost all her games and the only ones I could play were pokemon, harry potter and nintendogs. O.O Pretty sad isn't it?
Yeah, Den-chan? I'll try to get a b-day gift up for ya soon ok? ^.^
P.S. if there is anything I missed that I have not commented on while I was gone and you want me to read/ see it tell me. (I have tons of subscriptions...)
*takes a deep breath*
I should explain myself
Ok, I'm a pretty big HP fan. I read all the books a few times and watched all the movies a few times. BUT SOME FANS ARE SO OBESSESSED AND THEIR MINDS ARE SOOOOO CLOUDED THEY WOULDN'T KNOW A GOOD BOOK IF IT BIT THEM IN THE BUTT!!!!
On this HP site I go on the reported news on the Twilight movie(which made me happy) since that one dude was in Harry Potter.
People got into a HUGE hissy fit saying Stephanie Meyer is an AWEFUL writer!!!!
"Being popular doesn’t make you a good writer, simply put. I’ve read, and I don’t think I’m being harsh. She is not a good writer, she is not a good storyteller. Her prose and dialogue verge on almost embarrassingly bad at times. Her books are chaster versions of Harlequin romance books. I don’t like comparing them to HP either, don’t get me wrong. But they don’t have to be compared to HP for me to see them as awful."
The story is in the POV of a 17/18/19 year old girl/woman!!!!!! Her language is not suppost to be perfect!!!! If it was third person you'd expect better, but would a 17 year old use large words and do everything right? NO!!!!
"If there are HP fans who think that Twilight is better than they must have forgotten how invredible the HP books are,sad."
STOP COMPARING EVERYTHING TO HP!!!!!! If you go through life saying "no book will be better than Harry" then no book will be better. But if you compare every single book to HP then you'll never enjoy a book ever again.... So, put Harry aside, even if you love him and try to read other books. THERE ARE MANY GOOD BOOKS OUT THERE!!!!
*gasps for air and lets it out*
Ok...I think I'm good now....
I really needed to vent...
But seriously.....they all need a good thump to the head....
I g2g
I need to study for my test!
Sorry it's been a while since I've posted. I've been drawing, writing and playing my new nancy Drew computer game.
Ned gave Nancy a locket! How CUTE!
I watched the new epi of Avatar. IT WAS AWESOME!!!! GO ZUKO!!!!!! He and Sokka made me laugh. ^.^
.....O.O Katara scared me.....O.O
On some one sent this to me and i decided to post it here.:
1) Pick the first anime show that pops into your head...NOW.-
(2) Pick the first character to pop into your head from that show.-
(3) What would you do if you saw them right now?-
*fangirl scream* Run over to him, hug him and possibly kiss him.
(4) What do you think they would do if you did that?-
Glare at me and then kill me......O.O
(5) How do you respond to this reaction?-
I wouldn't react... I'd be dead....
So, my whole dentist thing went well....
It hurt alot at first, but it turned out ok.
My foot just fell asleep.
Youtube still hates me..... and i made this really awesome AMV too....
On Wendsday I'm gonna go for my permit...
I'm soooo nervous!!!!!
I hope I don't fail.....
Well I'll TTYL
Ugh.... You probably want the whole story...
So, on Tuesday I lost my crown.(tooth crown)
......Well I didn't lose it....It kindajust popped out of my mouth.
You should know, my 7 year molars or something like that, didn't grow in right, so I had some filled in to make bigger and one crowned because it was the worst off...
So, it popped off and yesterday I went to the dentist.
She told me that there was a cavity on the tooth underneath it..
So, she popped it back on with "temperary" glue and told me to come back today to get the cavity out.....
She should have just left the crown off.....
Now she has to pry off the crown and then scrap off the glue and then get rid of the cavity....
She told me she would have to numb my mouth....
It's gonna hurt.....
I hate the dentist....
There are two thing I hate in this world. One of them is the Dentist....
In other news I'm SUPER excited because on Friday I'l getting the newest Nancy Drew computer game!!! The Phantom of Venice!!!!
I'm very excited.
On Saturday night/ Sunday morning I watched the last episode of Death Note.
I didn't expect what happened to happen... O.O
But it was a beautiful ending and very epic.
I'm glad it turned out that way.
Plus, my second favorite character lived!
L's my favorite charcter...
Well, that's it for now.
Next time I'm on her my mouth will be in pain.