You probably want an explaination to that right? WELL.....
Ok, so one of my all time favorite shows Avatar is coming back on. Yay! I was soooo happy when I found out. BUT!

They are going to have the SERIES finale!!!! Noooooo!!!!! Avatar was the only show I truely loved on Nick....
It's really the only reason I stayed with Nick for so long, plus ICarly makes me giggle....
I'm very sad...
PLUS I found out Death Note is almost over!!!

In other news I found out my friend Devyn made a video on Youtube dedicated to me!
How sweet is that?
He's a really nice guy....
I have not watched it yet, but I will soon.
If anyone can suggest a really good book or book series for me to read until Breaking Dawn comes out I'm open to suggestions...
I really neeeeeeddd something to read.
Ok, so for now on myO is going to be used for this fan fic Kera and I were working on together, which is the one I'm reposting.... The thing is I'm editing it a lot.... Soooo I'm going to continue it with Kera on myO and continue it myself on my mew world...
I know confusing....
Nothing else is going on.
If I think of anything else I may come back with a more detailed post.
Ignore my title..... I just didn't know what to say.
I really should update more often...
I'm happy cause I finally got a hold of New Moon! Yay!!!!
It was super good!
I read it all in one day!!!(this was Wendsday)
......I need to get a life....
Then next day I read Eclipse which was equally as good!
BellaXEdward forever!
Even though I fancy Edward..... lol but who wouldn't?
Now I have to wait till August 2 to read Breaking Dawn.
Oh, and I want to give you all a great tip....
I was SUPER tired afterwards...
I'm a very pale person and from my lack of sleep I developed dark circles under my eyes.....
If I was super beautiful I could have passed as a vampire!!
I may be sad I have to wait till August to find out what Bella and Edward do next, but I found a manga series that shall satisfy me until then.
It's called Vampire Cross......I think....
It's about a girl named Yuki who is in love with a vampire(he reminds me of Edward, except he's not super overproctive) and whose BFF, Zero becomes a vampire.
It's very good.
....I have to post 16 facts about my self now....
I'm guessing there are no tag backs right?
1.I'm a HUGE Itachi fangirl....
2.I love the Twilight series
3.I will get my permit soon.... O.O Scary I know....
4.Johnny Dep facinates me...
5.I think Crispin Freeman(Itachi's voice actor) is hot....
6.My first fangirling was over.... O/////O Yugi from Yu-gi-oh!.....
7.I used to SUCK at drawing....
my first pic of Mew Chero.... There was a very harsh person who commented.... They told me to take up sports..... O.O
8.Sports hate me.... Mainly Basketball.....
9.One of my best friends is a guy. *hugs Devyn*(I use his name cause he uses it on YouTube anyways....)
10.I have a ton of stories on my computer and in my notebook that I have never finished...
11.My wrists make a weird craking noise when I move them in circles...
12.I love the Nancy Drew computer games
13.I have a fanfiction account...
14.I am forever searching for the perfect shade of purple nail polish. A shade that matches Itachi's nail polish
15.I hate filler episodes....
I want to be a ninja!
Yes..... 16 random facts about my self
.......Now for who I shall tag...
You know what? I'm going to be stubborn and refuse to tag anyone!!!
*crosses arms*
Well, actually I was back on Saturday..... ^.^; I've just been too lazy to post.
My trip was fairly boring.... Here are the cool things:
At Yale we saw a Squrriel MAN!!! He's my hero....
Like he was this old man sitting on a bench, just sitting.
Only there were like 20 squrriels surrounding him!!!!!!!!!!
He was feeding them peanuts...
I wanted to take a picture, but my mother said that would be rude...
My mother then started singing, "Feeeeed the squrrrrriels, tuppin a bag! Tuppins! Tuppins! Tuppins a bag!"
I then glared at her.
At U. Brown we saw this awesome man playing a duet with this violin dude. He was playing a digerydoo!(sp?) My mother didn't know what a digerydoo was.....
If you don't know it's a stick like instrament you blow into, it's from Austrialia.....
I found out that when you go to a state university or another large one you get cool music acts and other celebraties coming.
At UConn they had the All-American Rejects play.
URI(Rhode Island) they had the Myth Busters
UMaine also had the Myth Busters! (I love them...)
It was awesome cause on our way there we passed Quincy Mass.!!!!!
I wanted to go there....
I would go up to some and ask them," Are there any REAL Quincies here???"
I wanted to take a picture of that too, but my mother said no.....
I would also ask if they hated Soul Reapers.
BTW I'm going to delete my Crystal Mirror World.....Soooo if you have any objections too bad. You should have commented on my story....
not much else to say....
Well, I'm off tomorrow for our super fantastical "college road trip"! yay?
I don't wanna go.....
Stupid senior Onee-chan!!!!!
Well I'll talk to yall when I get back!!!
BTW I'll be back Saturday.