Welcome to my world.
I'm Chero Aoyama, well that's what my friends call me.
Favorite anime/manga: HETALIA, Durarara!!, Tokyo Mew Mew, Naruto, Kuroshitsuji, Death Note, Blood+, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Yugioh! (original series), Case Closed and more.
Favorite Book series: Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and a bunch more
Favorite Movies: Mulan, Beauty and the Beast and Howl's Moving Castle
I do not tolerate mean comments because I am a Christian, nor do I tolerate mean things said about anyones religion.
I will do request or art trades if wanted.
If you have a birthday coming up tell me and I'll make you a present.
Art Trades:Open
THE BESTEST BOOK EVER!!!!!! Twilight by Stephanie(I know that's spelled wrong...She spells it weird.) Meyer.
I cannot wait to read the next two book. But I have to wait until they come in at the Library.
Why must the world hate me?????
So, tonight I'm going to a minor League B-ball game cause our band is playing at it. Maybe I'll get a tan??? Probably
not.....*sigh* I'me very pale right now....I don't tan very well.....
So, like three people have favorited my Naruto fan fic on Fanfiction.net. Yay! That makes me very happy.
Speaking of fan fic.... I reallllllyyy need to update it......*sigh*
I kinda have writer's block......
My friend Devyn had told me to RP it out, he says that works, but I'm to embarassed to do that with my family around.
Anyone here have any tips???
Well I'll ttyl!!!
Ok, so on Sunday and Monday we had like a series of LARGE storms.
Soooo scary.
Sooooo anyways a tree fell down and blocked our drive way and caused another tree to fall which crushed my dog Skruffy's dog house!!!! And most of his pen!
He was inside cause he's whimp and doesn't like to get wet.
I'm glad he was though. *hugs Skruffy*
So, then aaaallll week we've been cleaning up the mess.
Atleast the drive way is unblocked.
I've been bored lately sooooo I've been reading, writing and DRAWING!
So, I have one picture that I will post in a little bit...
I just need to look up how to write "Mom" and "Dad" in Japanese.
I have another pic I'm working on, but am stuck becuase I don't know how to draw this one guy.
It's a family picture of Ayame and her parents. I have Ayame and her mother done, but cannot figure out how to draw her dad....
What I need to to find a large picture of Itachi's dad....(that's kinda how i invision him....)
*sigh* I found a really TINY one....
Oh well.....
OH! Great news!!!! I just found out the other day that I was accepted to be in this college program where they bring in Japanese students and you spend a WHOLE week with them learning Japanese and stuff.
I cannot wait!
Oh and in other GOOD news my secong cousin just had a baby the other day!!! His name is Levi and he's the CUTETEST!!!
Well I'll ttyl!!!
P.S. Someone pointed out that
looks like Karin from Naruto and you know what they were right!!! It's Karin with Sakura's hair!!!!! lol
So, yesterday Onee-chan and I had volenteered to go work at the snack booth thing for our church during Gus Macker......*rolls eyes at Gus Macker*
Gus Macker is this stupid basketball tournament our town has every year.....
All the sporty people make a HUGE deal about it. I think it's stupid because I personally dispise Basketball....
Plus who wants to spend two whole days watching little kids and older kids play basketball and win only a stupid trophy......
I guess I can't judge....
If they had an Anime convention around here for two days I would go to that. 
So, anyways I had to make Taco in a Bag......A LOT....... I never want to make it ever again.....
My question is who would WANT to eat Taco in a Bag that early in the morning???
(I had the morning shift around 9-11)
We had cinnamon rolls too, but most went right for the Hot Dogs,Tacos and Nachos....
People are weird....
Oh! It was funny though, because when my Onee-chan was going to park the car I saw two guys from the grade below me standing in the parking lot.
I waved to them.
One of them ran up to the car....that was still moving....(only like 2 MPH...)
He opened the door to the seat next to Onee-chan (I sat in the back, cause my sister is weird and doesn't like anyone to sit next to her when she is driving...) and CLIMBS IN!!!! He sits next to her and was like, "Hi! How are you all doing?" and closes the door.... O.o'
I'm like WTF???!!!(F as in freak.....I don't cuss...)
I look to the side to give the other guy a weird look, but he was gone....
I look over my shoulder to see if maybe he walked away....
He was hanging off the back of the MOVING car!!!!
I was laughing, but freaking out.
So, finally my sister pulls into a parking space. O O; I quickly climb out of the car and smack the hanging boy upside the head. @.@
"WHAT THE HECK DO YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING?! You could have gotten hurt!" I said.
He grinned and told me hi.....
Just hi.....
I was kinda peeved....
But love those guys! 
They can always make me laugh. They're like brothers to me. They drive me nuts, but I still love 'em!
I can't wait to see how they handle High School next school year...
Well I'll ttyl!!!
Ok so the other day I watched The Golden Compass and having read the book and compared the two in my mind I decided to make a review.
Summery: The Golden Compass is about a magical world where people's souls are out of their bodies and are animals called daemons. One girl Lyra gets her slef mixed up in an adveture dealing with children kidnappers and a magical golden compass.
Over all the movie was great! It match up almost perfectly to the book and the characters matched up brilliantly as well. Nicole Kidman was fantastic! I was really impressed with the great effects and the great acting. I was even impressed about how they changed the "evil" church in the book to the government(sending out a message maybe?)so that it wouldn't hurt religous people.
They removed a few small things here and there which is not too important and I could live with that.
They did the worse thing EVER!!!
They cut out like the last three chapters of the book from the movie!!!
The movie ends with Lyra saying, "We'll help my Dad acomplish his goal. I know it." (or something like that) Then it ends. Just ends.
Maybe they were setting up for a sequel you say, but the book already sets it up for a sequel. Maybe it would have been too long you say. Well then they could have cut down the two fight scenes that went on for 10 minutes.
Even though fight scenes are exciting the ending to the book is WAY more exciting than the two fight scenes.
Ok, so over all this was a pretty good movie, if you like the book and don't really care if the whole ending is gone then I say go ahead and watch it. If you have not read the book I suggest you read it or go see the movie.