Being a CIT is NOT as fun as it sounds....

Last week was awful....
I was a CIT at my girl scout camp (councilor in training) and I had the WORST group of girls ever!
They NEVER listened and were shoving each other and looking at each other naked in the showers and changing rooms.
They kept screaming and wouldn't shut up at night.
I thought it was getting better until two of the girls POOPED under their tent! (Our tents are on raised platforms)
They said they couldn't hold it, but really it was cause they were dared to.
I was so stressed out I broke down into tears.
The main reason I did that was because I thought my unit councilor was going to get introuble and I sure hoped not because she is amazing and was doing her very best to control the crazy little monsters.
My mother was nice and bought me a pesi and cookies on our way home and she got me teh NEW Nancy Drew game!!!
I just needed to vent....
P.S. How r u? You are going to join my contest, yes?
