Life is a Highway

Wow... that was a random title...O.O
Mood: and in pain(explain soon)
Currently: Trying to draw my picture for Kasa before my procrastination kicks in.
Ok I'm in pain cause the other day my sister had a jazz band concert at my mother's office.
Well, we had to carry a bunch of stuff there, like amps(for the bass and guitar) and drums.
Bozo-kun, made me carry this large amp in.
It was HEAVY!
I thought my arms were going to fall off!!!
That's why they hurt today.....

We're reading Romeo and Juilet in English right now...
Can anyone understand what they are saying?
Some parts i get others I'm like, "Whaaaaaattttt?!!!"

Oh in history we are learning about WWII ok?
so, we were talking about the Allies(GB and France) wanting to join forces with the USSR.
She asked, "When Hitler heard this what do you think he did?"
This one kid said "Invaded France?"
I said, "Tried to form an alliance with the USSR."(I had read ahead...)
I was right and the kid in front of me said," Man she thinks like Hitler! Maybe she is his great grandaughter!"
my teacher said, "Yeah, and ~~~~ you better watch yourself! She sits behind you and you wouldn't know what she's doing!"

I was dying of laughter!
I need to go work on my picture now.
*skips off leaving behind a plate of cookies*
