Bleh Posting for once...

I been really busy!!!!! :(
I have to read this boring book called "the awakening" for my AP english class.
Ok, so yesterday I had to go with my parents back to *insert college* to drop my sister off. I had fun with her over thanksgiving!
CHRISTMAS IS ALMOST HERE!!!! ....*cough* sorry...
Anyways we stayed in that area so that today I could tour colleges. I toured two and they were both very nice. ^.^
One was a super small Christian college, very religious. ^.^
The other was a larger private school with awesome dorms. ^.^
I had fun, but now I have to finish my book. I FEEL OLD!
I'm also stressing out because next week is gonna be bad.
I'm being inducted into National Honor's Society and I'm turning 17 AND I have to take the ACT over again.... :(
I'm stressing over the ACT....
I need to bring my score up in Math and I'm nervous about taking the writing for the first time. GAH!
Plus I have a zillion other things to do.
Plus! I have some pics I want/need to do:
1. The Host Club membership card.
2. A Christmas pic.
3. this other pic I really want to draw for fun
4. I THINK I still have to draw a pic for the Red day T-shirt thing for my friend.
PLUS I only have three entries in my challange....I know the end of december seems a long way away, but it's not. sooo please get on that?
PLUS! I'm failing on my fan duties, because I can't get on often and my flash player wont work, so I can't get on the chat thingy.... *sigh* PLUS I'm also a host (not saying who) and I'm trying to balance all that stuff at once!
Your stressing out friend,
P.s. If you read all this God bless you. lol
