St. Valentines Day Vent

I really need to vent.
I hate Valentines day more than ever before....I never liked it.
Being a shallow day that you give gifts to your loved ones to who your love when you should love them everyday...
But now I really dislike it...
St. Valentines day was created in order to celebrate a great man. This man, St. Valentine was a Christian Martyr.
During the time when Rome was still in charge they forbid any young man from getting married...So Valentine would marry young couples in secret.
He was caught and arrested....The guy in charge liked Valentine and agreed to release him if he denounced Christ...But when Valentine refused....
They killed him.
So we started to honor him on Feb. 14...But The real reason for V-day is long gone... Now....It's way comercialized...
Maybe I wouldn't detest V-day if I had someone to share it with or if my friends were all single....(they make me suffer talking about the gifts that they recieve.)
........So.....yeah...I kinda made an anti-v-day pic...
But non the less...My day yesterday was not all bad..
I went to this small local resturant with my youth group. That was fun.
(it was all girls and our leader who is a guy)
He was like, "Look at all these couples in here...And look at me. I have many girls!"
I was like, "Yes...You're such a pimp."
Plus...I have not gone to school in over a week..... O.O Stupid snow... I was last at school on the 4th. O.O *brains turning to mush*
Not all power is all iffy...
