I'm dead inside.

I apologize for my rplonged absence....I BLAME SCHOOL. It's evil and the devil....
I would like to inform you that I have been going to school a half an hour earlier and a half hour later to help make up some time so the stupid underclassmen (Not going towards my lovely underclassmen friend.) have to take a week long test next week. (Though I get to sleep in all week!!!)
AND last Saturday and this Saturday....School.....
And since I happen to go to church every Sunday...
No sleeping for Chero.
Plus I've had a lot of school work...
It's annoying....
And for some reason I cannot seem to turn a library book in on time lately...
So I had a huge fine on my card when I went there today....
Now I'm going to be like 20 pages behind on the RPing site I go on...
So....If I vanish for a few more days I apologize.

So....How have you been?
