Kiss my finger! Make it better!

So today in Bio2 we did blood typing... and I'm a whimp....
So...The teacher had to stab my finger for me three times. O.O
The first time we all found out that the paper we had put the blood on was abosorbing too much of the liquid to tell....
The second time I didn't bleed enough...
So third times a charm.... O.O
So...yeah... My finger hurts... It has a bandage on it that says "I love Andrea" (girl in my Scifi class) and I <3 Tobi (as in Naruto's Tobi) that my friend wrote...
This occured because Andrea got a cut, so I was joking and said I would sign her bandage....Which I did...So then she and my friend both signed my bandage....And then my friend took on and put it on her neck.
"You look like you got a hikey or was bit by a vampire." I told her. I doodled on it....
But anyways...
I'm O+ Yay. .....Which sucks by the way because I can give to anyone who has positive blood, but I can only recieve blood from people with O+ or O- blood....And do you know how uncommon O blood is compared to other types?......
But the funny thing is there turned out to be three O+ and one O- peeps in our class. ^ ^
I told my lab partner that if I pass out from getting my finger pricked find a hot vampire to carry me to the nurse's office. (Twilight reference...*shot*) She said I would have to wait a while.
