Last Sims pic for now plus angst

Yeah...My last one until I can make a nice family picture. ^ ^

Awww tis their wedding. (I also have a pic of them kissing, but this one is much cuter)
That's it for now. ^ ^

And now I need to rant. I apologize ahead of time. If you read all of this...I shall give you some of Ryoh's Ryoh Snacks...*nods*
Ok...So I was at school today and I saw this kid that I wanted to punch in the face. Now it takes a lot to get me angry but this punk really pissed me off. He wore a shirt that had an X over a Christian cross and said, "Bad Religion". Now I am a Christian so this pissed me off for many reason....
It was completely RUDE!
It would be like wearing a shirt that said, "I hate Jews" or "No Black People" It's WRONG! The sad thing is I was the only one who really notice. I pointed it out to my favorite teacher after school and he said that he would watch for the shirt and talk to the kid...
UGH! Some people are so ANNOYING!!!
