Harry Potter and Naruto!

Those two things have nothing to do with each other except that I love them both. ^ ^
So today was Harry Potter day! We had a girl scout program that had to do with Harry Potter. I helped. We shorted the kids into houses and taugh them different "muggle" version of the Hogwarts classes. Like Charms and ancient runes ect. It was lots of fun!
I got a purple Pygmy puff that I named Lelouch. lol (a purple fuzz ball would not fit someone like Itachi....No offense Lelouch...lol) I also got into Ravenclaw so I got a niffty button. It's awesome. I love Ravenclaw. ^ ^
I almost always get that on quizzes.
Now to the Naruto part.

So Sasuke moved into Itachi's and Chero's house today...So he can help with the kids. >:D lol He's holding little Ayame right now in this pic. He was playing with little Sasuke later. But this pic was cuter. ^ ^
And now I am going to speculate so there is going to be a bunch of black lines....If you hate spoliers and are not completely up to date with Naruto then don't read what I'm going to say next.
ZOMG!!! KABUTO JOINED UP WITH MADARA??? WTF???!!!! But I think that he's going to double cross him since he led Anko there....OR he wants Madara and the leaf nin to eliminate each other.. O.O I hope Kabuto turns good because all the evil or "evil" characters die and KABUTO IS MY ONLY LIVING FAVORITE CHARACTER LEFT!!! :(
Oks. I am done now. ^ ^
