I'm dyyyyiiinnnggg..... X_X

*cough* *cough*
I'm choking on my own phlem here! SAVE ME!!!!
My sinuses are killing me....
I can feel the nasty fluid draining from my head down my throat.
There's nothing I can do but wair for it to stop...
Well I can take some medicine, but my mother's like..
"You should wait to see if it goes away"
And to make matters worse the phlem is making my throat sore too.
It sucks.
But my mother said that maybe I can take some of the real hard core medicine in a little bit. Not that crappy PE stuff, but the real stuff you have to be over 21 to buy and can only buy so much at once and have to get it from the pharmasist.
That stuff make me happy. I mean REALLY happy and hyper..
That's why you have to be 21...
in other news I plan on posting more of my mew fic today at some point in time...
That's it...
