I'm a weasel...you're a weasel...he/she's a weasel...we're all weasels here.

So...this morning was really odd...
Odd you question?
Aparently I slept on my face for most of the night....
Cause this morning when I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror I had pillow marks on my face...
and not just any pillow marks...
I had two lines on my face like this: /
one on each cheek.
I'm like....
"OMG I have Itachi lines!"
I was excited for about two minutes...
Then I decided I had to get ready for school...
I just realized that I had picked out my Itachi shirt to wear today...
O.O *whispers* He's everywhere! *turns plushie around so he's not staring anymore.*
and now he's going to probably read this...because he has a sense that tells him his name is being used and he'll go, "Interesting *smirk*" But now that I said that he'll either humor me and say it or he'll mix it up.
*covers forehead*
Have a good day!
