Choose your ending story: "Gomen ne"

ehhh....I was bored so I wrote this...Ummm I don't know how to end it... :/
So help me out and write an ending to it ok?

Casey walked alone along the road, numb, thoughts swirling in her head...His voice echoed through her head.

“I don’t trust you anymore...”

Casey wiped the tears away from her eyes and sat down on a bench. She pulled out her notebook to write a letter. She could picture him in her head, Ivan...Her best friend....well former best friend now....

“Dear Ivan,
I know you’re upset with me and that you no longer trust me...But I need to tell you...I did what I did not only for Hannah.....but because I never thought you shared any of the feelings I have for you. I didn’t think you would ever ask me out. You never share your feelings with me.
People kept telling me that you liked me and that you would eventually ask me out...But I didn’t believe them. I’ve always felt like you settled for me. Since Hannah left you and Kendra is dating someone else....I always felt like I was the third wheel...The leftovers. That you were just pitying me....since I’ve always had strong feeling for you and still do.
When Hannah told me that she wanted to get back together I did support it...Because you are both my best friends and I want you to be happy. When she first told me that she wanted to get back together with you....My heart stopped. I was so scared...Scared that you were going to reject me and go back to her.
But then I realized how selfish I was....”If Hannah loves you and you love her....You should be together...” was what I thought....So I left you that message telling you that I would back off.
I never realized you would be angry...or hurt...I never wanted that. I regret ever sending that message to you.
I just....want you to be happy....I just....want to be at your side...even if we remain just friends...
I’m sorry....
Ever Yours,

“How stupid! Like he’d ever forgive me....” Casey said.

Casey crumpled up the letter and tossed it on the ground. She put her head in her hands and started to cry.

“Idiot! Idiot!” she called herself

Footsteps. Casey looked up.

“I figured you’d be here....” he said avoiding her tear filled eyes.

Ivan bent over and picked up the ball of paper.

Would he read it? What would he say?
You decide.
