Teams Course; Part One I was bored. So I wrote this...Mainly to try to entertain Luna since we the people who are apart of the Host Club have been causing trouble in many ways. I hope you find this fun. ^ ^; Oh and this is only part one.

“Ok everyone. We need to work on things here at the Host Club. We’ve been having some issues with various people. I wont name, names but you know who you are.” Luna said as she marched back and forth hitting her hand with a ruler.

Sasuke look up at the ceiling and sighed.

“Luna....what are we doing here?”

Luna pivoted and looked at Sasuke.

“Teams Course.”

“Teams Course? What’s that?” Hime asked.

“Oh! Oh! I know!” Chero said jumping up and down waving her hands.

“Chill out Cherry.” Riku said shaking his head.

“Yes Chero.” Luna said calling on her.

“A Teams Course is a series of team building activities. We do them at camp.”
Chero said in a matter of fact manner.

“Correct. And for the first activity I’m going to pair each of you up.”

Luna went through and paired people up, since there were many people there it
would take to long to list here’s a few pairs.

Chero and Itachi

Hime and Sasuke

Kat and Riku

Kita and Ulquiorra

Kira and Gin

“annnnd Ichigo you’re with me.” Luna said.

Ichigo walked up to the front and stood next to Luna.

“Ok. So the first activity is the “trust” fall.” Luna said.

Chero went over into the emo corner.

“I hate you Luna....” she said.

Hime walked over and dragged Chero out of the corner.

“Trust....fall?” Ulquiorra questioned.

Luna nodded.

“So what you will do is take turns catching your partner. But you have to trust that they will catch you.”

Luna stood in front of Ichigo, her arms crossed over her chest. She fell backwards and Ichigo caught her. They then switched positions and Luna caught Ichigo.

“Now get with your partner and preform this activity.”

Gin and Kira of course performed the action without incident, as did most of the partners.

Chero stood next to Itachi and glanced over at him.

“Don’t worry....”he said, “I will catch you...”

“That’s not what I’m worried about...” she muttered.

Chero stood in front of Itachi, her arms crossed. She fell back and he caught her.

Hime stood in front of Sasuke her arms crossed.

“You better catch me.” Hime said.

Sasuke smirked.

Hime fell back and Sasuke caught her....and then dropped her.

“Hey!” she said hopping up glaring at him.

“You said to catch you. You never said what to do afterwards.”

Chero stood behind Itachi ready to catch him. She waited for him to fall back, worried about him refusing to fall back.

“I promise...I’ll catch you.” she said.

Itachi sighed and crossed his arms. He fell back and indeed Chero did catch him.

Sasuke stood in front of Hime and fell back.

Hime held her arms out like she was going to catch him, but then moved out of the way. Sasuke turned into a log, using his substitution jutsu. He appeared across the room.

“Hey. You’re supposed to catch me baka.”

Hime glared at him.

"I would have if you had not dropped me."

^ ^; Luna gathered everyone up.

“Umm....ok that was not too bad....” she said, “Next we’re going to do the
trust walk. With the same partner you will lead your blind folded partner
through an obstacle course.
The trick cannot touch your partner. You have to lead them with words only. Host will be blinded and ladies...You will lead.” Luna said smiling sweetly.

“You better not make me crash Luna.” Ichigo said tying on his blindfold.

Itachi held the blind fold in his hand.

“Ah...” he said.

Chero smiled gently at him.

“I promise to try my hardest to not let you crash.”

Itachi looked at Chero and nodded.

Riku smirked as he tied on his blindfold.

“This is going to be a piece of cake.” he said, having worn a blindfold himself for a while.

“Heh heh heh.....I hope so.” Kat said.

Everyone stood in front of the obstacle course ready to lead or ready to follow.

“Ready? Go!” Luna said.

Riku of course was right. This was a very easy task for him and Kat.

“Left, no your other left baka!” Hime said to Sasuke.

“Stop leading me in the wrong direction Hime.”

“Umm walk forward a bit, now turn right and now left.” Chero said leading Itachi around the obstacles.

“Oof!” Chero said as she fell backwards, tripping over an obstacle herself.

Itachi lifted up his blind fold and looked at her.

“Ah....Are you ok?” he said.

Chero stood up and nodded.

“Left, no left” Luna said.

“Make up your mind Luna!” Ichigo said annoyed.

After a while everyone made it through the course, Luna and Ichigo ending up as the last ones through.

That's all I got for now. ^ ^;
Oh and gomen ne Hime. I thought you and Sasuke would be entertaining if you acted like this.
