I HATE you.....but no....I Love you

Music to set the mood :

I hate you...but...I love you
I think...what hurts the most....is that we were talking right before you ripped my heart out and stepped on it.
You could have told me....I thought we were friends...
If you had told me...yes I would still be upset..
but it would not have been as big of a blow, or felt so much like a betrayal.
You lost out...on me...
But I may have lost the most...
Something very important
my heart...
You still have it...
there is a hole where my heart used to be...
I guess I know how an arancarr feels now...
I feel like an idiot...
I want to hate you and move on....
but I can't....
I still care about you...
if she makes you happy...
then let me be miserable...
I hope someday you will return my heart to me.
you ....baka....
