OMG 2 posts in a row?

I don't get it!
Why can't I just own myself. D: XD
People keep telling me they own me. It all started like back in may...
Itachi used one of those soul catcher he owned me...but returned my soul after I asked nicely. XD
Then I was stupid and click on one was Kira' she owned me.
and now last week Naruto tells me he owns me. o.o
And of course Riku was like,
"'re my kitty"
and then my friend irl told me she owned me.
She snaped her fingers and was like.
"B*tch I just bought you!" XD
and now Kat tells me she owns me too XD
I still don't understand why people need to own me...-.-
Am I that cute?
Many people may own me....
But only one person owns my heart. *shot*
