
Chosen Anime: Kingdom Hearts! *shot100xs for not choosing an anime*FINE...Naruto
Favorite boy: Riku(<3)*shot*.....Itachi/Kabuto
Favorite girl: Tenten
Favorite song: "Again" by YUI
Favorite weapon: gun...my mage staff
Name you like to go by: Chero....>///> Cherry by a certain person
Character you feel sympathy for: Itachi D: *sobs* HE WAS A GOOD BOY! *shot*
Character that acts like you: Sakura...o.o *head desk*
Character that looks like you:...umm....probably tenten...
Character that would make a good brother: Naruto.....Itachi IS a nice brother *shot*
Character that would make a good sister: Ino or Sakura
Character that would make a good father: Naruto and I can see Itachi being a good one too
Character that would make a good mother: Sakura or Ino
If you could be any character who would it be?:.....one that does not die *shot* ......probably Sakura so I can be all whiny and cry out people's names, "SASUKE!" "NARUTO!" *shot* Plus I would probably not die. ^ ^
Character you wish to kill: .....Hinata...*shot*
Which language would you speak in: Japanese/English
Where would you live: Konohagakure of course! *has gotten this answer in a quiz*
Sum up one personalility word for yourself:Nice...? Sweet?...umm...I GOT IT!!!
Favorite evil character: KABUTO!!! Cause Tach is not evil!!

I tag....YOU! *points*
