Cloud tagged meh~

Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown
Height: around 5"3'
Favorite Color: sky blue
Screen Name: MewChero
Favorite Show: Naruto I guess XD
Your Car: Umm some kind of blue one? XD
Your Hometown: a place
Your Present Town: that same place
Your First Crush's Name: Kurt XD
Your Grade: SENIOR!

Sat on your rooftop? yus
Kissed someone in the rain? no
Danced in a public place? yes
Smiled for no reason? yes
Laughed so hard you cried? yes
Peed your pants after age 8? I don't think so
Written a song? no
Sang to someone for no reason? yes
Performed on a stage? yes o.o
Talked to someone you don't know? yes
Gone out of your way to befriend someone? yes
Made out in a theater? no
Been in love? yes

Say HI to you? Ummm DN maybe?
Tell you they love you? My mommeh
Kiss you? -.- ....cheek? my mommeh XD lips...>///>
Hug you? ...Mother XD
Tell you BYE? kiddies at VBS
Write you a note? Jen
Take your photo? lady at VBS
Buy you something? mother?
Write a poem about you? my BFF XD
Touch you? My mother hugged me XDD

Time you laughed? today
Time you cried? umm when I was reading that really sad fic
Song you've sang? Soul Sister
Time you've looked at the clock? 10:45
Drink you've had? Sunkist
Book you've read? A prayer for owen meany
Food you've eaten? popcorn
Shoes you've worn? tennis shoes
Store you've been in? Walmart?
Thing you've said? Ummm Good night

Write with both hands? .... no
Whistle? ;w; cloud said if I couldn't something was wrong...D: I can't
Roll your tongue in a circle? sure
Cross your eyes? Yeah
Touch your tongue to your nose? no
Dance? not really
Speak a different language? sorta...
Impersonate someone? yes XD but only online
Make a card pyramid? yes
Cook anything? Yes
If I was rich...I would buy stuff I want and then donate some to the animals
I wish...that the person I loved would love me back
So many people don't know that ...I have an obession with mysteries like Nancy Drew and Sherlock Holmes
I am ...a cute little Japanese Bobtail neko~
My heart is ...with a certain someone >///<

I TAG YOU! *points* and Ushio, Jen, DN and whomever else read this
