The Fund-Raiser

“I have a fun idea!” Chero said sitting down at the cafeteria table with her friends.

They all looked up from their lunch and looked at her.

“Let’s have a fund-raiser!”

They all stared blankly at her.

“It would be fun and it will help us do things for the school.”

“What will we be selling?” Hana asked.

Chero was about to answer when Ushio interrupted.

“US! We can sell us.”

“What the heck Ushio?” Sammie questioned.

“Just think about it! We can sell our service to the people of the school.” Ushio said.

“Sounds like a great idea.” Ele said.

Chero nodded.

“Ok it’s settled! We all meet here tomorrow to sell ourselves.”

The next day Chero set up a booth that had each girl listed on it all priced at 50 dollars for a days worth of service.

Each girl sat around Chero’s booth, Ushio in a maid’s outfit with neko ears. The rest in their school uniforms.

Ventus walked passed and stopped in his tracks.

“What are you ladies doing?”

“Fund-raising.” Chero said bluntly.

“You ladies can’t sell yourself as a fund-raiser.”

“We’re not selling ourselves Ven-sensei...” Hime said, “We’re offering our services for a well thoughtout price.”

Ven just shook his head and walked away.

Tamaki walked in.

“Oh! You ladies are selling yourselves. I’d love to buy you all but I’ll just buy the lovely Ran...since I can’t hog you all~”

Tamaki payed and led Ran off with him.

Uryu walked in and saw Hana behind the booth.

“I-isida-kun.” Hana stammered.

“What are you ladies doing?”

“Fund-raising.~” Chero said.

“Wanna buy Hana?” Ushio asked.

“Buy....Hana....?” Uryu asked confused.

Ushio nodded.

Uryu looked at the sign and nodded.

He pulled out his wallet and payed.

“GO HANA GO!” Chero cheered.

Hana and Uryu left together.

Kiba walked in and walked up to the booth.

“I’ll take Sammie.” he said paying money.

Chero walked to the front of the booth and crossed off Hana, Ran and Sammie’s names off the list, leaving Ele, Chero, Ushio and Hime left.

“150 dollars so far! YAY.” Chero cheered.

Riku and Sora walked in next.

“Selling yourselves....I didn’t think you girls were like that.” Riku said with a smirk.

Ele threw a shoe at Riku.

“It’s our service we’re offering...Kinda like being a slave.” Chero explained.
Riku smirked.

“I’ll take Ele then. I could use a slave.”


“Deal!” Chero said taking Riku’s money.

Ele glared at Chero as she was led away by Riku.

“And then there was three.” Ushio said.

An hour passed and no one came. Finally Lelouch ran in.

“Ushio! I heard you were selling yourself.”

“Yes~ For a fund-raiser.”

“I’ll take her. How much?”

Chero and Hime looked at each other and smirked.

“100 dollars.” they said together.

“WHAT?” Ushio cried.

“Ok.” Lelouch said paying taking Ushio with him.

“He payed it....”Chero said.

“Of course. He looooovvvveeeessss her.”Hime said.

Chero went to the front and crossed names off leaving hers and Hime’s the only
ones left.

Chero and Hime waited and waited.

As time passed Chero changed the price on the sign from $50 to $ $15.
Until they both cost 5 dollars.

“Maybe we should call it a day Cher...” Hime said.

“NEVAH!!!” Chero exclaimed.

It was then Sasuke walked over.

“Why the heck do you only cost five dollars Hime?!”

“Cheap for your convenience?” Chero said.

Sasuke glared at Chero.

He slapped down a five dollar bill his face slightly red. He walked over and threw Hime over his shoulder.

“I’ll take this one...”

He then left carrying Hime.

Chero sighed and crossed Hime’s name off the list and changed her price to a dollar.


A while later Chero changed her price to 25 cents.

“Chero for sale...25 cents....Chero for sale....25 cents...” Chero sang.

She put her head down on the table and sighed. Suddenly she heard a clink, Chero looked up a little to see a quarter on the table. She looked up more to see Itachi standing there.

“I’ll take the last help with the fund-raiser....”

“Of course.” Chero said with a smile.(TO HELP WITH THE FUND-RAISER)

Chero put the quarter with the rest of the money and crossed her name off the list. She put a closed sign on the table and left with Itachi, a smile on her face.
