Soooo....> >;

Today we're taking Nee-chan back to college...which is a 3 hour drive....and are leaving for home around...7? so....I wont be on today....If I am it'll be late. D:
Sorry DN. ^ ^;
It kinda makes me sad....I'll miss Nee-chan a lot...*sighs* and...
I start school next Tuesday....D:
*goes to emo corner*
Imma be a senior....which means STRESS CITY....> >;
I have to meet with the councilor this week to get my schedule changed. *sighs*
I FEEL SO OOOOOLLLDDDD!!! *emo corner is filled wuth dark angsty aura*

I dun't wanna grow up....
But~ I'm looking at colleges and will find the perfect school that will help me become the best teacher evah!!!
atleast I hope sooo > >;
