Tag -w-

CURSE YOU NARUTO! *shakes fist*

Fill out EVERYTHING. People may be surprised.
There are no tallies, just answer the questions, but think hard about them. Remember, if you don't tell the truth, there's no point.

Tell me a truth about you and your best friend: She is AMAZING<3 I love her. She is like a sister to me...I can talk to her whenever...and we are always laughing.
Tell me a truth about your job: My summer one was epic. I LOVED working as a counselor. <3 Much love. The kids were cuttttee...Except the one who hated me...
Tell me a truth about your dream: I pray it will occur. I want to teach soooo badly. *has to pass Chem and the Praxis*
Tell me a truth about your lover/bf-gf: None existent? (though my host club one, Dino....is amazing<3)
Tell me a truth about a crush (if you couldn't fill out the one above): GWAH! he is sooo cute...His name is Andrew...He's one out of two guys in my foundations of education class. he's also in my chem class...He is funny too. AND BLONDE
Tell me a truth about your family:My family is amazing. They love and support me no matter what. <3
Truth about yourself: I get nervous about failing...I don't want to fail...I don't want to disappoint people.
Truth about your best friends: Ev: I can tell her ANYTHING...She is amazing...She is super mature even though she is sooo much younger than me. :) I loooovvveee her soooo<3
Tessa: I HAVE KNOWN HER FOREVAH. XD She is like...my brain twin. We can predict each others thoughts. I MISS HER. DX
Truth about a sibling:My sister is amazing. She loves me and I love her. We used to not get along and we now do...<33 I can skype her and ask her for help. *love*
If not a sibling, truth about an ALMOST sibling: bwahahahaha Sasuke acts like my brother sometimes. XD
Truth about the worst movie you ever said you saw: THE GOLDEN COMPASS...NOTHING LIKE THE BOOK...NOTHING DX
Truth about the life you live now: I'm confused...and still getting to a comfortable spot....BUT....My roomie rocks. AND SCHOOL IS HARD
Truth about the life you lived before: I miss ittt. D: I WANNA BE A KID
Your real age: 18...19 in December~
Your real Name: Chero Joy Aoyama
One thing you hate about yourself: Low self confidence...and shyness
One thing you love about yourself: My love of Jesus

