*cough* Actually as some of you may or may not have noticed I was back on Friday, but was too lazy to post.... lol
I have soooo much to tell you!!!!
I love the Japanese students who came over here, they were great!
We had tons of fun learning each other's language, even though they all had taken like 4 years of English....
I learned very basic Japanese. Yay.
Oh and I learned Hiragana! Yay!
So, in the future I will try to put hiragana on my pictures!
It was funny cause when you were with them you had to try to explain what things were. Like one time someone asked me what a goat was. O.O They don't have goats in Japan. (we were at the country fair so I could show her)
Then it was embarrasing cause one of the other American girls was trying to explain to one of the Japanese girls what a tampon is and how to use it....O////O
It was sooooo weird. Yeah they don't have tampons in Japan....
On Friday when we rode up to the airport with them, I cried sooo much! It was funny cause I was there sobbing, and this one American guy was not crying, so I turn to him and say, "WHY ARN'T YOU CRYING?!"
He's like, "Real men don't cry."
I pointed to the Japanese guys who were crying,"They are maner than you and are crying!"
Then I asked this other boy why he wasn't crying(also american) he said, "I don't know how to cry. I haven't cried since second grade."
Guy are weird....
It's soooo weird cause I guess in Japan it's very common to give gifts to people all the time. So, I got like 8 gifts....O.O I felt guilty cause I didn't have anything for them!
Oh, and I met a few anime fans while I was there! yay!
Two were american girls who came to the program, one was a guy who came to the program, another was the lasy in charge of the program and her husband. Last was this one Japanese girl. I think there were a few guys who liked Anime, but I never asked.
It was weird cause most of the americans were the fans.
Oh and I have a ton of art to put up, that I drew while I was gone.
I have one comic, 3 pictures of Tobi (I was taught how to draw him), 2 pictures of Itachi (also was taught), 1 of one of the american girls from the program and one AWESOME picture of a bowl of Ramen I'm still working on. You'll see why it's awesome when I finish it.
I still feel guitly that I never drew Harvestmoon a b-day gift...
In other news, I finished BREAKING DAWN!!!!
It was AMAZING!!!!!!!
*hugs it*
I'm not going to spoil any of it for anyone, but
I just want to say, that the book goes as suspected at first, you know with Bella and Edward, but then something you would NEVER expect happens.
It's amazing!
I think it's the best in the series!
But that's just me....
I'm really sad that the series is over....
BUT Stephanue Meyer is working on a book that will be Edward's side to Twilight. I cannot remember the name right now.....
Plus, Stephanie said she was not done with Forks and her vampire friends yet, so she may write more about other characters.
Uh... I better stop not be for I spoil anything.
P.S. I got back to school the 19th!!!!!