*Singing*So, You Had a Bad Day

Today was bad...
First, I think I failed my Spanish test....
Next, I didn't get to say anything during our debate in English...
Also, we had to turn in "Uglies", but of course the one day I leave it in my locker she collects them.....
Then the worst...
In history we had a sub...
We had a test today....
this STUPID kid would not SHUT-UP!
I mean COME ON!
When you're testing you don't talk!!!
The sub warned him, but didn't take any action.
Now Miss.(insert name) is going to yell at us!!!!!
I didn't do anything.
Then I found out we had to turn in our Health packet from last week!
ALL WEEK I had it, but today I forgot my Health notebook and of course he wanted it!
Then it started raining!
Plus, I'm really tired and my scanner wont work!!!

On the plus side the newest Case Closed book finally came in the library today and I can check it out!
Oh and some funny thing happened today:
one of my guy friends was trying to open a can of pop for a girl. He couldn't open it so he gave it to his scrawny friend and he opened it. XD And my friend is a wrestler!XD
Oh, and then I told my BFF that she could not be nice for a whole day and not cuss.
Tomorrow at school she's going to try to be nice AND not cuss.
It's going to be soooo hard for her!
*gives out cookies*
