Oh. MY. God.
It's been what...almost a year...?
I'll be surprised if anyone even reads this o.e
To tell you all the truth, I've been pretty much sucked into Devianart.com, and have been completely active there. I'm SO SORRY for ignoring TheO like I have! I'm such a terrible person! ![](http://www.theotaku.com/global/images/icons/female-crying.gif)
So I know what most people are thinking - WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO THE FANFICTION?! This is where I kinda roll up in a little ball and hide in the corner of shame. It's gotten nowhere. At all. I think I've just about COMPLETELY lost my touch. Every single time I would sit down to write, it just wouldnt work. SO I though taking a break might help...and it didn't. So I've been focousing all of my time on drawing, instead of writing.
Then something happened that I NEVER though would happen. I found something else to obsess over, other then just FMA.
And this just happened to be...Yu-Gi-OH.
Yes, the show about childrens card games.
Don't ask me why, but I've fallen in love with it. [and I'm not talkin 5D's or GX] I love the characters SOO much. And the best part about it is, there are so many darn adorable yaoi couples. Yes. Thats right. I'm a Yaoi Fangirl. My sketchbooks have become completely filled with various yugioh shippings, which I'm going to start posting up here.
So anyways, I'm back, completely different it seems, and you all have complete rights to hate me.
Well...I started high shool this year. Yup, I am a freshman. At first i thought it was gunna be really hard and scary and I was positive I was going to get lost. But surprisingly.....I kinda like high school...0.0 I just said i liked school...I never thought that would happen. *ehem* yeah, I still miss my summer vacation for sure, but at least I'm not miserable! Haha, I guess we'll have to see how long this lasts.
Hey there people. Holy fridge it's been so long since my last post in here! Shame on me! Well anyhows, this is gunna be my long update of everything thats happened this summer! SO PREPARE YOURSELF!
OK first off lets start with the 4th of july! I got attacked by a firework! SCARIEST. THING. EVER! It was a shell that would shoot up, explode into two smaller explosions, and those in turn would also explode. Well, it got messed up somehow and game flying towards me and my little sister. It skided up my knee, hit my arm, exploded, shot off toward my sister, and exploded again. yeah lets just say my arm was sore for a week afterwards and my sister now has slight firework trauma....
Then we moved into a new house! This is a very good thing! OUr old house was small and had serious mold issues....how we didn't all die from a mold desies is beyond me. But now we are in a brand new house that my parents built! NO MOLD! And my room is purple!
Yeah, it's epic.
lets see, then not much happened until just last week. i had to go to 4 days of band camp. Marching band camp. Now if you thinnk marching is easy peasy...THINK AGAIN! It's tiring and alot harder then it looks. Well, at least when you also have to play your instrument while marching...so yes, this friday, I am marching in a parade.
And finally, for the past two days i have been in volleyball tryouts! being lazy all summer proved to make me very out of shape. And so now I am very very sore. But the worst part is I didn't even make the team. So now i am sore for nothing. But oh well. I'm not the kind who sitts and mopes about such things for long. I will build a bridge and get over it.
SO YES! that was my summer in a nutshell! Wasn't that exciting? Hahaha. And alas, school starts again on the 26th.....my freedom shall soon be gone once again. ![](http://www.theotaku.com/global/images/icons/female-crying.gif)
God do i love Fanfiction! It's some of the best stuff ever. I'll read good fanfiction any day!It's a magical thing that gives you what you want. If you think something should have happened in your favorite anime series and it never happened, just read some fanfiction! It'll give you the pleasure of reading about and experiencing something you've always wanted to happen.
RAWR I just love it so much!
*ehem* yeah just had to get all that out of my system...lol