Me: What happens when someone is super bored and probably over tired but can't fall asleep?
Mocha: People die??
Me: 0.o NO. They create a world and start typing random things in it!
Mocha: And then I come in! YAY.
Me: Yes people, I swear I'm not crazy and need to be hospitalized, it's an inside joke sort of. Whenever I start writing random things, my little OC here *nods at mocha* pops up and causes havoc. I created her when me and my friends were being weird. Nothing more needs to be said.
Me: My world... -_-"
Mocha: Whatever...welcome, and I hope Chibi's babbles don't bore you to death.
Me: *throws book at Mocha*


Why can't I sleep?

Yup it's rather late at the moment but I can't seem to fall asleep. Maybe it's cuz I just watched Austin Powers?? I don'tknow what that would have to do with anything, but who knows? Well yeah, anyways this is my first post in this world, so welcome, and I hope my pointles rambbles about life don't bore you to much. @.@ If anyone wants to, feel free to comment and maybe start up some convo. Perhaps then it won't be so borring.
In other news, I am currently working on yet ANOTHER EdxWinry pic. That couple just never gets old. Hopefully it'll be up tommorow once I can get to my scanner. So you can look foward to that!

Mocha: And she'll be drawing a picture of me too so you'll know what I look like!