
Ehhhh??? It was my 4th Otakuversary today? I kept thinking it was tomorrow. Aww man, I missed out practically the whole day D| Oh well. Hey! How come I'm still an "Otakuite"? I thought by now that I'd be at least a "Senior". So unfair...

Anyway, since those four years, my artwork has improved a lot. You can't really tell from the submissions I put in, but if you saw my artwork from four years ago you'd swear I was on drugs or something. It's embarassing to the art world lol. However, the wallpapers I have submitted have changed a lot. Now that I have Photoshop instead of just Paint I can go a lot further with my ideas. Paint is evil when it comes to doing stuff like that. I can't believe I even used that lol The images were just so choppy and gross xD

Well, I guess that's it for now. I'm really bummed that I missed the whole day. I could've sworn it was tomorrow though *_* Oh well happy anniversary to me ^__^

A cute picture for the occasion hehehe


UPDATE: Okay I didn't miss out on the anniversary. I wrote the post after 12am Sunday which made me think I had already missed it. Dummy me XP So I was right...heh, who knew ^.^;;;
