Welcome to ChiruPon no Sekai, the place where ChiruPon will be posting all her important and semi-significant stuffs.
- Created By ChiruPon
Guess who's back? Back again?
Yep. The lovable and absolutely wonderful ChiruPon is back! Why? Well...mostly due to a combination of these things:
1) Boredom.
2) Post-graduation depression.
3) Lack of a decent job.
4) Confusion.
That's right- I am no longer a minor! Well I haven't been since January, but now I'm not only not a minor (redundant is redundant) I am now not a minor with a diploma in...high school stuff. Excitement, or either an incredible depression (see #2) is what I have at this moment.
As for my lack of a decent job, I currently work at a day care. And we're not talking Pokémon here. It's not like you drop your egg/baby off, go take a few steps then come back to pick it up. It stays for hours and hours and drools on you. I get paid ten dollars an hour which is actually a great salary for someone my age...except I only work one a week. I applied to maybe five other places (I don't have a car, so everything I apply to has to be either in walking distance, or the bus has to stop there) and they all rejected me...well, since most of them didn't bother contacting me, I think the more correct term would be that they all ignored me. Slightly worse, because at least the other places bothered telling me that I wasn't good enough.
My confusion? Well, I'm always somewhat confused so I don't know how that's new. Around 12 in the afternoon, it was really dreary. Now that it's 4:27 PM, it's really bright and sunny. This place always has freaky weather.
But anywho, comment, enjoy, and I'll write more later!
P.S. I'm thinking of getting a Wordpress account. Why? Well, it'd be nice to have a (real) blog. I used to have a Xanga, which was actually pretty fun, much more fun than a Facebook or MySpace. Something about people actually reading how your day was and commenting on it makes it a little more fun than writing Facebook messages, which are really no different from e-mails.
[EDIT] Here it is, my SHINY NEW WORDPRESS ACCOUNT! :D Please clicky and leave me a comment. Like with this journal here, if you leave me a comment on my journal, I will always leave one back on yours.
Summer Time Blues
School is over and I never was able to go to Graduation to say goodbye to all the seniors. Next year, I will be a senior, and then I, too, will be forced to say farewell (for good). Life is short and I am starting to feel the symptoms of the disease we call old age.
That was what I was feeling yesterday.
Today, to celebrate the end of the school year, I had my last three wisdom teeth pulled. Apparently, I am "really light" because the doctor said I fell asleep as soon as they stuck the intravenous drip (IV) into me. Not only that, but unlike my sister who woke up almost as soon as they took the IV out, I continued sleeping for many hours later. I honestly do not recall how it happened, but I do remember voices. (My hypothesis is that my brain awoke, and my body remained asleep- I forget what this phenomenon is called, but we learned about it in Psychology.) I kept hearing, "Wow, she's really light" over and over again, as well as, "We gave her such a small dose and she's like this...."
I suppose this means that I should stay away from narcotics, because they are extremely effective? Ah well, I have not had anything but yogurt or water today, so as you can see, I am not a very happy camper right now. (Meanwhile everyone is having spaghetti and meat balls- I love spaghetti and meat balls, by the way.)
This is for simplebeast231's challenge, "YOU FAIL!!!" All the stories are ninety percent true, mostly because one of the stories is actually about a friend and not me. There is a reason certain parts are in third person.
1) My Female Prowess continuously amazes me.
I carry a messenger bag (or book bag, whatever you call those one strap backpack things) because, well, it tends to be more fashionable than the typical backpack. This type of thinking is generally well-accepted and quite reasonable for a teenage girl- only, things can get pretty heavy- and I mean heavy. Naturally, after realizing this, I decided to switch off which shoulders get to experience the twenty-thirty pounds of textbooks I lug around each day.
One day, I happened to see the cute boy from my physical education class. Trying to look cool, with full and complete realization that he was looking straight at me, I tossed my head back, and strutted by with my hand on the strap of my bag. Of course, at that time, I was using my weaker shoulder, crushing my chance of successfully looking aloof. Why? Well, this would not be the story if it were not for the fact that when I tossed my head back, the incomprehensible weight of my bag, with such a force unable to resist, threw my one hundred pound gluteus maximus unto the hard, cold ground. I fell. Hard. Painfully. He watched. His friends watched.
Yes, my Female Prowess continuously amazes me.
Oh, and a week later, I tried the hair flip thing- and accidentally whacked him in the face.
2) The whole world EV trains- except for you.
Since the release of Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, everyone has been sitting quietly at their desks, textbooks propped up, and if a teacher walks close by enough, they will find that there is a very likely chance that that student is playing their Nintendo DS in your class. An even likelier situation is when a teacher finds that their students are battling each other. An unlikely situation?
"Wow you really suck- don't you EV train?"
"Err....No....what's the point?"
"Don't you at least look at the natures?"
"No....I don't really care."
Later my neighbor picked me up and apparently she EV trains too. I did not know whether to be shocked that a fifty year old woman with two college graduates as children plays Pokémon or that she EV trains and I do not. Even more unnerving was the fact that I found out one of my close friends challenges her father to battles- Pokémon battles.
This truly is a wonderful world, and all I can say to myself is, "The whole world EV trains- except for you."
3) "Who's that loser running around in the lava?" "It's you."
A close friend and I were playing a game which I believe was Everquest II. It was quite a while ago, but we seemed to be in some sort of underground/hell/volcano area. The screen was quite dark, even after adjusting the brightness and contrast on the television (the lighting in the room was unfavorable), so we decided to leave it that way. Consequentially, the ground in the game was black, and the lava (which kills your character) a bright red. Obvious contrast, right? Except our characters were also black, making it impossible to tell them apart. I could have simply paid attention to the label stating "Player Two," and know which character was mine, but I did not pay much attention to it.
We ran around fighting monsters when all of a sudden one of our characters, which I assumed to be my friend's, ran into the lava and started to lose hit points at a remarkable rate.
"Ha! Who's that loser running around in the lava?"
"It's you."
"No, it's not- I'm fighting the monsters."
"No....that's me."
"No, your the one swinging your sword around in the lava- and dying."
We went like this back and forth for a while until on the screen it said, "Player Two has just died."
The Dark Ages are Over....Mostly...
I have been having a cruddy winter- a sad experience for the cold loving fiend, such as myself. Winter has so far consisted of a terrible cold, SAT practice, wisdom teeth extraction, the oral surgeon messing up said teeth extraction, the utter disappointment in knowing that even if the finals are aced, the report card will have mostly B's, and the attainment of a terrible Trojan that destroyed the innards (of the computer, of course). I managed to clean up most of the wicked stuff in my computer's registry, although it bothers me that some of the files are still there. They are harmless now, but it still manages to urk me. Finals will be over soon (after this week), so the torture of failure and disappointment will temporarily vanish. My teeth no longer ache, and my terrible cold has faded away (although now I am catching something else).
The Dark Ages are over.....mostly.....
Oh a happier note, after not logging into the Otaku for so long, it pleased me to see the birthday wishes. Although I did not reply to most of the messages, I am very grateful and appreciate the gesture- I hope everyone reading this receives a bounty of new year's luck. (BUT if the luck don't hit you, it ain't my fault. Your ancestors might have cursed you.)
P.S. My Blog Buddy, ichi haze has been inactive lately (although, coming from me, it does not mean much), so I need a new one. Please comment here if you would like to be my Blog Buddy! For those who do not know, a Blog Buddy (patent pending) is someone you agree to exchange blog comments with- it is nice to know that people actually read your blogs, eh?
New PC!
I received a new PC in the mail today! Yay! I was so excited, I took pictures of the box and all the parts with my (no longer in service) cellphone. If I ever figure out how to move the pictures from the phone to the computer, I will post the pictures! The computer is so prettiful. Even the box it came in is pretty. xD