Summer Time Blues

School is over and I never was able to go to Graduation to say goodbye to all the seniors. Next year, I will be a senior, and then I, too, will be forced to say farewell (for good). Life is short and I am starting to feel the symptoms of the disease we call old age.

That was what I was feeling yesterday.

Today, to celebrate the end of the school year, I had my last three wisdom teeth pulled. Apparently, I am "really light" because the doctor said I fell asleep as soon as they stuck the intravenous drip (IV) into me. Not only that, but unlike my sister who woke up almost as soon as they took the IV out, I continued sleeping for many hours later. I honestly do not recall how it happened, but I do remember voices. (My hypothesis is that my brain awoke, and my body remained asleep- I forget what this phenomenon is called, but we learned about it in Psychology.) I kept hearing, "Wow, she's really light" over and over again, as well as, "We gave her such a small dose and she's like this...."

I suppose this means that I should stay away from narcotics, because they are extremely effective? Ah well, I have not had anything but yogurt or water today, so as you can see, I am not a very happy camper right now. (Meanwhile everyone is having spaghetti and meat balls- I love spaghetti and meat balls, by the way.)
