Guess who's back? Back again?

Yep. The lovable and absolutely wonderful ChiruPon is back! Why? Well...mostly due to a combination of these things:

1) Boredom.
2) Post-graduation depression.
3) Lack of a decent job.
4) Confusion.

That's right- I am no longer a minor! Well I haven't been since January, but now I'm not only not a minor (redundant is redundant) I am now not a minor with a diploma in...high school stuff. Excitement, or either an incredible depression (see #2) is what I have at this moment.

As for my lack of a decent job, I currently work at a day care. And we're not talking Pokémon here. It's not like you drop your egg/baby off, go take a few steps then come back to pick it up. It stays for hours and hours and drools on you. I get paid ten dollars an hour which is actually a great salary for someone my age...except I only work one a week. I applied to maybe five other places (I don't have a car, so everything I apply to has to be either in walking distance, or the bus has to stop there) and they all rejected me...well, since most of them didn't bother contacting me, I think the more correct term would be that they all ignored me. Slightly worse, because at least the other places bothered telling me that I wasn't good enough.

My confusion? Well, I'm always somewhat confused so I don't know how that's new. Around 12 in the afternoon, it was really dreary. Now that it's 4:27 PM, it's really bright and sunny. This place always has freaky weather.

But anywho, comment, enjoy, and I'll write more later!

P.S. I'm thinking of getting a Wordpress account. Why? Well, it'd be nice to have a (real) blog. I used to have a Xanga, which was actually pretty fun, much more fun than a Facebook or MySpace. Something about people actually reading how your day was and commenting on it makes it a little more fun than writing Facebook messages, which are really no different from e-mails.

[EDIT] Here it is, my SHINY NEW WORDPRESS ACCOUNT! :D Please clicky and leave me a comment. Like with this journal here, if you leave me a comment on my journal, I will always leave one back on yours.
