--Format for Basic Anime Review--
Name of Series:
Alternate Names:
Plot Summary:
Personal Opinion:
Rating: ((OPTIONAL but out of 10 plz))
Link to Episodes? Pictures perhaps? Opening theme? You decide! ^^
--Format for Basic Manga Review--
Alternate Names:
Plot Summary:
Personal Opinion:
Link to Chapters? Pictures?!
--Format for Basic Game Review--
Alternate Names:
Approx Length:
Plot Summary:
Personal Opinion:
Rating: ((OPTIONAL but out of 10 plz))
Link to Game info? Pictures? Walkthroughs?
--Format for a Discussion:--
Name of Series and or Chapter/Episode you would like to discuss(if specific)
Then DISCUSS!! WHAT'S ON YOUR MIND?! That's simple eh? XD
Just make sure you check the box for "Shorten to New Page". Just in case someone hasn't seen or read what you're posting about, so you don't have to use spoilers. ^^
A Note from me: Now, this isn't mandatory by any means. I'm just hoping to make it easier for you all to write your reviews. You don't have to include everything listed, or even in the ORDER listed, it's just a basic format set out to help. ^^ If you want to check out examples, look at the posts by other members. AND if you have ANY questions, do not hesitate to PM me. I would be more than happy to help you. ;)
Good Luck Posting!!