-Tag Thingy-

1: Spell your name without vowels. Chrystn (weird...o..o)

2. Are you single? Not currently.

3. Whats your favorite number? I don't know why, but its 6.

4. What color do you wear most? Hmmmm...perhaps black and white...I'm not entirely sure.

5. Least favorite color? Orange.

6. What are you listening to? Summer Calling by Andain

7. What do you smoke? I do not smoke.

8. Are you happy with your life right now? I'm content.

9. Has anyone ever said you resemble a celebrity? Uhm...I don't think so...o.o

10. What is your favorite class in school? I'm no longer in school, but I was really fond of literature.

11. Do you shop at hollister/DC/Bluenotes? Er...no.

12. How do you make money? Different ways. :)

13. Who is your best friend? My Sesshomaru<3

14. Where do you go to school? I told you I am no longer in school...

15. Are you outgoing? It depends on my mood. xD

16. One word to describe you? Innocent, of course! 0:3

17. Favorite pair of shoes? Hmmmmm...that's a difficult questions...*skips*

18. Do you own big sunglasses? I have a few pairs. xD

19. Where do you wish you were right now? Any place warm and with a beach~

20. What should you be doing right now? Nothing in particular.

21. Do you have a crush on anyone right now? Does my boyfriend count?


Honestly, what color is your underwear? White and lacey. OuO<3

Honestly, whats on your mind? You don't wanna know~ *snickers* 0:3

Honestly, what are you doing right now? Er...this and listening to music.

Honestly, have you done something bad today? Not yet, I haven't. O:D

Honestly, do you watch Disney channel? I don't watch much t.v. in general.

Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone? I don't remember...o.o

Honestly, what makes you mad most of the time? A lot of things.

Honestly, do you bite your nails? I do not.

Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment? Very much so. TnT<///3

Honestly, are you keeping a big secret right now? I don't know...maybe~ xD

Honestly, do you have a friend you don’t actually like? No. If I don't like someone, they'll know it.

Can you blow a bubble? I sure can. ~u~d

Can you dance? I guess I can...I can do ballroom/waltz.

Can you do a cart wheel? Nope, sure can't.

Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? Er...nope, I can't.

Can you touch your toes? Yes, I can. xD

Can you whistle? Sometimes.

Can you wiggle your ears? Nuh-uh...never tried, really.

Can you wiggle your nose? Nope.

Can you roll your tongue? Er...I don't know. o.o;;

Can you make a clover with your tongue? WTF? O__O;;


What do you do when you’re mad? It depends on how mad I am, but I can say I am an unpleasant person to be around. :)

What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad? Uhm...I'm not sure... o.o

Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? No...I'm usually the one that does the crying. >n<

Do you swear when you’re mad? I swear when I'm not mad, it's worse when I am. >,<


Ever really cried your heart out? Many times.

Ever cried yourself to sleep?
Yes, I have.

Ever cried on your friend’s shoulder? Mhm.

Ever cried over the opposite sex? Too many times.

Ever cried over the same sex? Er...not from a broken heart...o..o;

Do you cry when you get an injury? Depends on the injury, but I have.

Do certain songs make you cry? Sometimes.

Do certain movies make you cry? Sometimes.


Are you usually a happy person? I AM!!! OuO<33

What makes you the happiest?
My friends and my love! <333

Does being with your friends make you happy? OF COURSE!<33

Do you believe in yourself? Not as much as I should OnO

Do you wish you were happier? Only when I'm in a bad mood. *nod nods* XD

Is being happy overrated? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! OoO!

Can music make you happy? Music makes me very happy, as does art. <333


How many times have you had your heart broken? Too many times...<///3

Have you ever loved someone so much that you’d die for them? I have and still do.

Has anyone besides your friends and family ever said ‘I love you’?


Do you actually hate anyone? Maybe~

Ever made a hit list? AGAIN...Maybe~ 0:3

Have you ever been on a hit list? I'm on many hit lists. -__-;

Are you a mean bully? You ask that as if there are nice bullies...no, I'm no bully. >,<

Do you hate George Bush? Uhm...that was an American president, yes? *is Italian*


Is your self-esteem extremely low? Nope! :)

Are you good looking? I've been told I am...

Do you wish you could be someone else? Absolutely not. I love being me! <3


What is your current hair color? It's naturally black, but I just dyed it (for the first time ever) blonde.

Current piercings? Just the traditional ear piercing.

Have any tattoos? Yes, I do. A mehndi vine going up my left leg, a floral one on my collarbone going over my shoulder, and a pair of black wings on my back (though it's not technically a tattoo, it's a marking symbolizing who I am.)

Straight hair or curly? Wavy.


What shirt are you wearing? Just a basic camisole at the moment.

Shoes? Flats.

Necklace(s)? A necklace amore mio gave me a while back. <333


Hugged someone? I'm always hugging someone! OoO<33

Been on the phone until the sun came up? Nope.

Laughed so hard you peed in your pants? Sure haven't, but I've come close to it. xD

Laughed so hard you cried? Many times. xD

Got in a fight with someone? Many times.


Person you talked to in person?
My familiar, Alphaeus.

Person you hugged?
Alphaeus. xD


Do you like surveys? When I'm bored, yes.

Do you get along with your parents? I got along with my parents very well. ^^

Do you have mental breakdowns? Unfortunately, yes...


Current mood: I'm not sure, honestly. o..o;

Current music: Whatever is on my playlist.

Current hair style: Really long and wavy with bangs.

Current crush: No one, currently.

Current thing I ought to be doing: Nothing. I'm free to do whatever I want.

Current windows open: None at the moment.

Current desktop picture: A black and white Ezio half nude laying on his stomach... ~u~d


Did you ever get into a fist fight in school? No, I haven't.

Did you ever run away from home? Nope.

Did you ever want to be a doctor? Nuh-uh.

Did you ever want to be a fire fighter? Uh...no.


Do you know how to swim? Yes, I do, and I love it! OuO<3

Do you like roller coasters? Yes, I do!

Do you own a bike? I haven't had a bicycle since my childhood.

Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows? Uhm...I don't watch reality shows, so I don't know what they really eat...


Does hair loss run in your family at all? No, it does not.

Does your car get good gas mileage? I currently do not have a car.

Does your family have family picnics? Uhm...if you mean Sesshomaru and Rin then...well...we haven't had one yet. I have had one with amore though one time. OuO<333


Have you ever been on a plane? Many times.

Have you ever been to the Ocean? Again, many times. :)

Have you ever painted your nails? Yes, I have. xD


How did you find out about facebook? Everyone. I don't have one though.

How many of your friends on facebook have you met in person? I don't have a Facebook.

How tall are you? 5'5"

How much money do you have on you right now? None. I have it put up.


Last person you hung out with? Alphaeus.

Last thing someone said to you? "Be careful." -Alph

Last thing you said out loud? "I'm bored." To myself xD


What are you listening to? Screaming Infidelities by Dashboard Confessional.

What is the weather outside? Clear and warm.

What radio station do you listen to? I don't listen to the radio.

What was the last restaurant you ate at? I don't remember the name of it. xD

What was the last thing you had to drink? A chilled mocha coffee.

What was the last movie you watched? I haven't seen a movie in a long time...I think it was the Beauty and the Beast.


I'mma tag Karmi, Kas, Kiki, and Amore. ;P
