Character meme! ^^

I was tagged (obviously XD) by Vixen ^^
I'll use characters from a story I made a long time ago :P XD but i still love them, sooo... here I go ;D

Azrael:Main character, gender: male
Yami:Azrael's "brother" (main character) gender: male
Seiju:supporting character, gender:male
Dagon:Main character, gender:male
Reyiel:main character, gender:male
(XD they're all males ;D)

1) Choose 5 of your OCs
2) Make your OCs answer these questions.
3) Tag 5 other people.
4) Add one question of your own.

1)Do you want a hug?

Azrael: if you'd like to hug an half-demon... =_=
Yami: OwO ok!
Seiju: ... ... ... NO.
Dagon: please, I'm not a huggy-person..
Reyiel: I only want to hug Azrael~ ^^

2) Are you a virgin?

Azrael: want to see it by yourself? >:)
Yami: ^^ yes
Seiju: this is invading my privacy! >.< I won't answer!
Dagon: =///= who got me into this... *sigh*
Reyiel: yes, I'm saving myself for Az~ (Azrael: >.< then you'll die virgin!!)

3) Do you have any kids?

Azrael: the only "kid" I've ever had around was Yami ^^
Yami: nope! ^^
Seiju: I can't stand them. they're too noisy!
Dagon: how can I have any kids? I'm male...
Reiyel: no~

4) Have you killed anyone?

Azrael: yes... the ones that tried to kill Yami. NO TOUCHING MY BROTHER!!!
Yami: yes, I'm a werewolf. ^^
Seiju: I try not to kill anyone, but I can do it..
Dagon: yes... and I'm still sad about it..
Reyiel: I'm an angel... I wouldn't kill anyone ^^

5) Do you hate anyone?

Azrael: aah! the question! YES I DO! first: the ones who make suffer my bro. second: Reyiel. I can't stand him! >.< *mimics Reyiel* ""oooh~ I'm a little angel! stay with me because I love you~!" I mean, WTH!! (continues ranting)
Yami: no ^^
Seiju: sometimes, Azrael.. he's too noisy and he "molests" me ù_ù
Dagon: *sigh* I don't know...
Reyiel: no one~!! ^^

6) Love anyone?

Azrael: I love my brother ^^ obviously it's platonic love ^^
Yami: Azrael!! *glomps* I won't be here if he didn't save me ;) I obviously love him ^^
Seiju: who knows >////>
Dagon: =_= no. I can't have bonds with someone or they'll be in danger
Reyiel: my adorable devil!! Azrael~ <3 (Azrael: stay away from me!! >///<)

7) Do they love you back?

Azrael: of course ;)
Yami: yup! <3
Seiju: I hope so..
Dagon: I already said I don't love anyone!!! >.<
Reyiel: it seems not... :( but I'm sure that someday he'll love me back ;3

8) What is your job?

Azrael: job? what is a "job"? O_o i'm half demon... my only "job" is to make dagon mad XD
Yami: can I eat it? Owo
Seiju: I'm the Crown Prince in my land... if that can be considered as a job...
Dagon: I'm a ninja. I do the job that I have to do.
Reyiel: I don't have a job ^^

9) Any special powers?

Azrael: I can transform into a demon. but I don't like doing it =_= I just use the wings >;) = I can fly~
Yami: I'm normally a wolf, but when there's the fullmoon I can transform into a human ^^
Seiju: I'm a dragon summoner... is it a special power?
Dagon: nothing special, just ninja tricks
Reyiel: as I said before, I'm an angel... :)

10) Favorite season?

Azrael: winter! so I can play snowbattle with everyone then go home and feel the warm of it... and I can cuddle in the blankets~ <3
Yami: winter :3 I love cold ^^
Seiju: fall ^^ its colors are amazing ^^
Dagon: I really don't care =_= anything's fine with me
Reyiel: spring!! so full of new life, the chirping of the birds.. such poetry! <3

11) Who's your best friend?

Azrael: Yami ^^ I wish Seiju was my friend too XD but he doesn't like my way of being friendly XD
Yami: Azrael <3 Dagon is good to me too!
Seiju: My best friend is in my kingdom
Dagon:... ... he's dead... =(
Reyiel: I'm friend with everyone! no one is better than the others ^^ well.. maybe Az.. but not as a friend >;)

12) Hobbies?

Azrael: make everyone mad! XD it's my way of being friendly!
Yami: when I'm in human form, I like to draw ^^ but I suck at it T_T
Seiju: reading, and playing my flute ù_ù
Dagon: is... collecting headbands a hobby? =///=
Reyiel: stalking my love ;)

13) What are you going to do when this tag is over?

Azrael: I'll play a prank on Seiju! mwahahaah!! >8D
Yami: I'll stay with my brother ^^
Seiju: hide from Azrael!! I feel he's planning something...>.>
Dagon: I'll... hh... ehm... do something. yes. ù///ù
Reyiel: try to stay with Az..^^

14) What is your eye color?

Azrael: ice gray >;)
yami: yellow~
Seiju: I have "strange eyes"... at least it's what people say.. they's black where usually is white and in the center they're light blue, with no pupil. I really can't see what's so strange abut them..
Dagon: emerald Green... I have cat-like eyes
Reyiel: amethyst~

15) Are you good? Or bad?

Azrael: bad! >:D
Yami: I'm good ^^
Seiju: good.. I guess
Dagon: I try to be good but I end up being bad =_=
Reyiel: good~ ^^

16) What is your greatest fear?

Azrael:.. it may seem stupid... but it's losing Yami... he's like family to me..
Yami: it's seeing Azrael wounded!! I think I won't be able to stand it ç_ç
Seiju: if I say, someone will use it against me!
Dagon: I have no fear
Reyiel: I don't know... I never thought about it! ^^"

17) What do you think of your parents?

Azrael: I never saw them... they died before I could be able to remember them.. the only thing I know is that my mother was a vampire and my father a demon..
Yami: I hate them. they abandoned me because I was "different" and I wasn't like normal werewolves
Seiju: they're ok...
Dagon: I really don't care abut them..
Reyiel: I don't think I have "parents"... ^^"

18) Any siblings?

Azrael: Yami! he isn't my real brother.. I adopted him when he was little, after healing him from the wounds he got from his so-called-family =_=
Yami: Azrael! ^^ I'm so lucky I have him as a big brother, he's the kindest man in all the world! >w<
Seiju: I have an overprotective sister...=_=
Dagon: only child..
Reyiel: all the angels are my siblings ;)

19) Was it fun to answer all these questions?

Azrael: yeah! I like when someone pays attention when I talk! ^^ because you are paying attention, yes? *cracks knuckles*
Yami: ^^ yes!
Seiju: they're invading my privacy! I'm a very reserved person..
Dagon: no. I hate questions =_=
Reyiel: it was alright ;)

20) How do you feel about your creator?

Azrael: I'm her favourite ^^ so I like her XD
Yami: she's good! ^^ she gave me those pretty ears and this awesome muscles XD
Seiju: I belive she's alright. even if she finds funny to make my bed-hair makes me look like an idiot =_=
Dagon: she could have find a better backstory for me!! >.<
Reyiel: I'll love her if she can make Azrael love me! ^^

21) Do you have any weaknesses?

Azrael:I hate to say it.. but I believe that me and my brother are eachother's weakness...
Yami: I agree with Azrael..
Seiju: again: I WON'T SAY! it would be used against me!! I'm not idiot...
Dagon: no. I can't have one..
Reyiel: I don't know! ^^

22) If you could have one wish...?

Azrael: I wish that Reyiel will disappear from the face of this world =_=
Yami: I wish for my brother to be happy! >w<
Seiju: I wish to find the golden dragon and take it under my control **
Dagon: I wish ... ... for my best friend to be alive...
Reyiel: I wish Azrael loves meeeeee- *gets smashed by a boot throwed by Azrael*

23) Your favorite element?

Azrael: dark, so I can be more misterious >:)
Yami: fire! Dagon says that I'm like it ;)
Seiju: air, maybe?
Dagon: dark, so I can hide myself better >;)
Reyiel: light!! so I'll be like sun to other people!! ^^

24) Who is your superior?

Azrael: ME!! >8D
Yami: Azrael, all the way ^^
Seiju: my father.. he's the king!
Dagon: no one
Reyiel: I wish Azrael was ^///^ =7= if you know what I mean~

25) Sexual orientation?

Azrael: what kind of question is this? =_=
Yami: the one my brother is! ^^
Seiju: straight... I think...
Dagon: straight =_=
Reyiel: I'm gay for Azrael!! XD

26) Do you care what others think of you?

Azrael: not really...=_= as long as I like myself, I'm ok!
Yami: nope! ^^
Seiju: a bit.. I mean, I have my reputation, so..
Dagon: no. I don't care about others!
Reyiel: yes! ^^ I like to know what they think of me!

27) Your theme song?

Azrael: normally: Two Minds One Soul by sonata arctica; when I'm angry: Zerstoren by rammstein
Yami: ohne dich by rammstein... I cannot live without my brother ^^"
Seiju: Deathaura by sonata arctica
Dagon: Shamandalie by Sonata Arctica...
Reyiel: Get You by Alexey Vorobyov ^^ isn't that just made for me? XD

28) What's your species?

Azrael: half demon, half vampire ^^ but I don't suck blood XD and!! I'm NOT sparkly XD
Yami: werewolf.. kind of...
Seiju: I'm a dark elf
Dagon: human... I feel so NORMAL!
Reyiel: again: I'm an ANGEL!!

29) What makes you sad?

Azrael: I think everyone here is sick of reading this: my brother suffering!
yami: same here...
Seiju: I don't know... I'm not really emotional.
Dagon: thinking how unfair is that your beloved have to die before you
Reyiel: I'm sad when I see my friend suffering..

30) What would you change in your past?

Azrael: nothing. I'm proud of everything I've done! ^^
Yami: maybe... I wouldn't had pee over Dagon's favourite headband XD it was just because he wasn't nice with us! XD
Seiju: I don't know...
Dagon: I would have saved my friend..
Reyiel: I would have known Azrael before!! ^^

31) What are your goals you want to achive on your jorney ^^?

Azrael: nothing XD I just went on it because I was bored! XD
Yami: XD
Seiju: I wanted to find all the dragon species and put them under my control! ^^
Dagon: I had a goal... but now with all this people around me I forgot what it was!! damn it! >.<
Reyiel: to make Azrael- *smashed again by Azrael "we're sick of hearing that!! >.<"*

32) Give one fact from your past.

Azrael: I saved Yami form his bad family who wnated to kill him >;)
Yami: I once slept in a coffin O_O not very comfy... but whatever XD
Seiju: a sorcerer challenged me into submitting a Dracholic and now that dracholic is my powerfull ally
Dagon: I'm sure you expect me to say what happened to my friend. but I won't say it!! >XD once I put a spider into my master clothes! XD it was fuuunyyy... I should do it again!! >8D
Reyiel: it was a month ago: I tried to touch Azrael's butt but he "send me to oblivion" (as he said) with a kick on my face! XD

33)how do you like to dress?

Azrael: aahh~ ^^ I love elaborated gothic-like long coats ^^ and I love leather boots and chains everywhere >;) all in black and red >:)
Yami: I don't need clothes XD I'm a wolf! but when I'm human I just wear some leather trousers that azrael bought me ^^
Seiju: elfic things... you know, high boots... cloak... gloves... everything in a blue tone ^^ I like blue ;)
Dagon: grey and black ninja clothes =_= (is tired of answering)
Reyiel: elegant clothes all the way ^^ white is perfect!

here.done... XD it took me an hour or more!!! XD great meme anyway! i hope I got everything alright! ^^"
I made this because Vixen made me do it ;) hope this is what you expected!! XD
if anyone wants to know more about my OCs, just ask ^^
I tag anyone who wants to do it!! ^^
