I haven't been feeling very good the last two days. Yesterday, I had a sore throat and was so tired that I could barely do anything. Today, my throat is better but I have nearly fallen asleep several times because I barely slept last night. Lol, I was taking care of my pet rabbit, Willow, this morning and nearly feel asleep while cleaning. I haven't really drawn anything either since I have been sick but I'll post something here later this week hopefully.
Anyways, I need to go.
EDIT: Hi! I feel much better today. I regained my energy and no longer have a sore throat but my nose is still running like crazy. Other then that, I feel pretty much normal so I'll be able to draw plenty! :D I should have something posted by the end of this week after I finish coloring it. Toyotami-kun and Mangakid convinced me to post it once I finish, be prepared for a watermark though. Anyways, see you later! :)