I am so pumped for this weekend! :D Tonight I'll be volunteering backstage at my younger sister's musical theater performance. I am assigned as a backstage costume assistant. X) Then tomorrow morning I am going to my art class! :D I'm so excited to meet new people tomorrow and to take this class again(I took it one other time at the start of January), the teacher is really funny and encouraging. Then after my class, I get to watch my sister's next theater performance (She has like five performances this weekend and the next) instead of helping backstage. THEN (lol) We are celebrating my older sister's b-day on Easter! ^^ Busy, busy weekend but it's going to be so much fun. X) *is possibly to excited*
EDIT: O-O Friday night during my volunteer job was crazy. Almost all of the people had like 20 second costume changes so it was chaotic backstage. When the people came backstage they burst through the curtain (that hides the entrance from the audience) and like threw their costumes on the floor and then threw on the next costume, then left leaving us with a huge costume mess to clean up. DX So me and my mom(she volunteered as well) were pretty much just clean-up assistants. But it was fun to help change the little kids, all of them were really nice and had adorable costumes. X) So yeah, it was pretty crazy. My art class went pretty well too, there is only 4 other people but they all seem really nice(No one really talked much because we were all so focused on drawing). Right now I just finished preparing to make Easter egg cookies with my little sis who had a blast with her musical theater performance. :D Anyways, I have a few art projects I want to work on.
Have a Happy Easter! :D