-NOTICE- I have gone to DA (DeviantArt) because I find that I am sort of fed up with the new Otaku. My website:http://rabidwolf22.deviantart.com/
Hello. You just entered the crazy world of a teen who has hyper issues and may look scary (depending on what you think "scary") when you first look, but once you get to know her, you'll find that she's...oddly friendly. Mean at times, buuuuuuut....Friendly!
Okay, enough talking in the obscured 3rd person language...
Just...welcome to my site! DISLIKES
Girly Things (pink, flowers, etc.)
People who do drugs
People trying to get me to like girly things
People that hurt my friends/me
Dogs/Wolves/Any Canine
My best bud, BJ (Dragonclaw)
Pulling Pranks
Scaring People *teehee*
I think the lead singer is really beautiful, but her hair, dresses and make-up can be a bit much. D:
Yesh, I has been wounded. My leg is kinda torn up, not that badly, though. I was giving my friend Lexie a piggy-back ride at recess, when BJ said, "Betcha can't go as fast as me!" And I started running. And gravity wore me down, because I was bent over to carry Lexie on my back.
Her elbow got torn up, and my leg got scratched. When I got home, I checked my thigh (because I hadn't seen what had happened to it), and there are a couple scratches right there. It kinda...felt weird to sleep because of it. @_@
I'll put up an image of it if mah mom'll let me.
My finger has a boo-boo too...and it's right by the joint. D:
Yes, I know it is only one piece in over 5 months, but I ish proud of it!
Vote (or whatever their using for that now) here: http://www.theotaku.com/fanart/view/249038/chibi_floaty_head_thingy
I hope that'll work.
She still needs a name. ^^'
I hate the regulation size thing. D: Look how blurry they made it!
Hopefully that'll show up. It's the music thingy for "Quote" by Evans Blue, the band that I so love right now. They say that it's a Canadian band, but we can't be too sure of that, eh? *gets smacked with a shoe* Ow! Okay, okay, I'll shut up about them, uh? *gets smacked with a rotten fish* DUDE! THAT'S HOW I TALK! *eats random person* HAPPEH?!
Yes, well...getting on!
This song kinda represents me right now, and sort of how I feel about a certain someone of whom I will not mention. *BJ, DO NOT MENTION WHO THAT IS, OR WHO THEY ARE! I WANT TO KEEP THERE PRIVACY!!!!* It's a little too...advanced or whatever for what I'm feeling right now, because I'm still worrying. But...it's getting better because that certain someone is doing better. She got glasses, cut her hair again, and is smiling a lot more. Her life must be a lot better!
Anyways, I finished my book! *finally* It honestly took me...well, let's just say, a LONG time...It's called "Cry of the Icemark" by...Stewart...something...Yeah. It's a great book! The ending took a little sudden turn that was too fast for my tastes, kinda made me feel like he just wanted to finish the book and have it published and be famous already...I'm not sure if the book's popular yet, but it was published in 2005 by Chicken House or something along the lines of that...
You guys should check it out!
...And now I have to steal Twilight/Eclipse from that certain someone...
If a portal to this shows up on the main page...Imma be pissed.
I honestly have no idea how to...maneuver(sp?) through this..."new world"...
...all I know is that GaaLee (or LeeGaa, I really don't care...)...is HOT! Now, I love Gaara for myself, and Lee would be my second choice if BJ stole him away from me, buuuuuuuuuuut...they are just way too hot of a couple to leave each other alone...I mean, since they really don't exist and I can't touch them, I can still dream about that couple...
Now, I have to be perfectly honest, I'm a fan of yaoi and/or shonen-ai. But...I greatly despise yuri. Girl-girl action? I think not! ...maybe it's just because I'm a girl myself, buuuuuuuuuut...I don't go for that type of thing...
...I don't like the pink hair on the girl, but if I use the boy...meh, it just shows emotion, and that I am thankful for...my other posts were...boring. *shrugs*
Anyways, yeah, just experimenting...and if this does show up on the front page?...I'll delete it...(if I can)...
That is all. :3