
I'm working on a story right now, and I'm kind of curious on your opinions. So, which do you prefer?

*capitalized T or lower case t?
*é or e?

*capitalized S or lower case s?
*é or e?

*D or d?
*é or e?

**Abyss or Hell?
**abyss or hell?

**Gods or gods?

**" < another language > " followed by translation in " "
**"another language" followed by translation in " "
**"another language" followed by translation in < >
**"another language" followed by translation in " "
** < another language > followed by translation in " "
**"another language" followed by translation in the same dialogue (excluding italics)

**No foreign language. Strictly format when another language is used.
*FILLER TEXT! Use runes for foreign language (comic only)
*Switch P.O.V when foreign language is used?

These will also apply to comic formats.
