Gestalt Volume 1 in my mail box!

Before I even say what I'm so elated to say. I wanted to apologize, for not properly labeling this right. I couldn't find Gestalt under the list of manga/anime...

I guess it can't be helped, (wow I hear that phrase in a lot of anime...)
Today Gestalt 1 arrived in my mail box, It isn't brand new or anything though, I usually buy used books to save trees. So I wasn't the first person to pick the book up and read it. But, why sell it? I loved it! I really loved it, but I've always been a big Yun Kouga fan anyway, I love Loveless (Although I no that sounds odd...) and Earthian is also a good series.

I seriously read it within a hour, and was so into the book, I completely lost track of everything I should have been doing instead.

I was so excited to log this book into my anime list, I really love that site... it's awesome. But that really isn't the point right now.

I just wanted to hear from people who are reading it, or have read it. Like I put in the beginning I only just bought to first book. It's funny how fast I fell for Father Oliver <3.

If it interest you I'll post a link.
Gestalt Profile Information

Comment, with what you think.
Oh just so theirs no confusion, I'm pretty sure this book is no where near new.
I'm just reading it for the first time...maybe?
