A Tribute to Cloud Strife...

A New Play Art Figure

Cloud Strife is getting a new Play Arts Kai along with Tifa, Barret, and RedXIII.

Cloud in Final Fantasy Explorers

Cloud appearance in Final Fantasy Explorers as feature character.

Cloud new costume for G-Bike

A New FFVII Spin off!!! And Theatrhythm CC DLC

Square Enix has announced another FFVII Spin-off! Which is Final Fantasy VII G-Bike! As you might have guessed it, it's the same FFVII Motorcycle mini-game BUT with better graphics. Here's a trailer:

P.S: I've almost forgot what Cloud looked like...

Cloud's Advent Children costume has also been announced(not at E3) as DLC for Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call.

Pictlogica Final Fantasy

Yet another SQ game featuring Cloud Strife...

P.S: Kinda posting this late...