Cloud 24

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• FFVII/BC/CC/LO - The Wasteland
Just outside of Midgar, Zack was killed by the pursuing ShinRa army. Cloud was left at the scene.
• FFVII - Midgar
While being tended to by a station worker in the Sector 7 Slum train station, he was reunited with Tifa, and using the abilities of Jenova’s cells formed a new personality. With Tifa’s invitation, he decided to assist AVALANCHE.

• FFVII - Midgar
Worked with AVALANCHE when they bombed the Sector 1 Mako Reactor. During his return to Sector 7, he met Aerith.
• FFVII - Midgar
During a bombing mission with AVALANCHE in the Sector 5 Mako Reactor, they stumbled into a ShinRa trap and Cloud was caught in an explosion, falling down into the church in the Sector 5 Slum. He met Aerith again, and escorted her to her home.
• FFVII - Midgar
The team failed to stop ShinRa’s plans to drop the Sector 7 Plate. Aerith was taken to the ShinRa building.
• FFVII - Midgar
The team was captured while attempting to rescue Aerith, but in the confusion caused by Sephiroth’s murder of President ShinRa, they escaped the city. Together with Aerith and the rest of the team, they pursued Sephiroth.
• FFVII - The Forgotten City
He found Aerith, who had been acting on her own, but shortly after lost her at the hands of Sephiroth.
• FFVII - Northern Crater
He attempted to settle things with Sephiroth, but upon listening to his speech, Cloud’s self-image collapsed. He handed over the Black Materia, triggering the summoning of Meteor. Cloud then fell into the Lifestream and went missing.
• FFVII - Mideel
Now suffering Mako Poisoning, he was nursed by Tifa, but they fell into the Lifestream. With Tifa’s help he retraced his memories, and regained his true self.
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• FFVII - Northern Crater
With his friends he was victorious in the final battle with Sephiroth, and prevented the fall of Meteor.
• Edge
After visiting various locations with Tifa and Barret, Tifa opened the “Seventh Heaven” bar. Before setting off on a journey, Barret left Marlene in Cloud and Tifa’s care, and the three of them began living together.
(Age 22)
• Edge
While searching for provisions for the bar, more and more people began to ask him to make deliveries for them, so he set up the Strife Delivery Service.
• Midgar
He took Denzel, who had collapsed at the Sector 5 Slum church, into his care and brought him back to Seventh Heaven, where Denzel then also started to live.
