- Created By Red Butterfly92
The only thing in this world that never changes is change. Everyone and everything change. To me it seems that by the time you've gotten used to the change and it starts to seem ordinary it changes again. These changes can seem wonderful or scary. To different people; the same experiances are compaleatly unrealated. Because different people experiance different things differanyly. And the only thing thave got in comman is that everythings consantly changing. Nothing lastes forever. Not even change.
March 18th
Have you ever noticed that the word number is abriviated NO., but that there isnt a single O in the word it's self? It's not right it should be NU. or NB. but not NO.
The meaning of Life.
I've spent the weekend thinking about life. What's the meaning of life? I have found the answer. Do you whant to know? The secret meanig of life is "French Fries"!!! How could it not be? There delicious, bite sized, and unfortunatly there bad for you. Go figure. I've alway's heard that the best things in life are bad for you; I guess it's true.
Feb, 19, 2010
Thank God it's friday!!! This has been a long week. Did anyone whatch the Olimpics? Shaune White was amazing!!! That trick the 'Dubble McTwist 1260' mind blowing. I believe he's the best athlet I've ever seen. I'm not realy into sports but, it was the most amzing thing I've seen.
I have a song stuck in my head, and it goes a littel something like this."A' dancen' with myself". "A' dancen' with myself". Over and over agin it's diving me insane!!! "A' dancen' with myself". Ugh!!!!!