Propeller hat's.

What's up with propeller hats? It's just werid! I mean if you could fly with them, that would be alsome; but if you cant fly it's strange. How did it happen? I dont know. I dont think anyone dose. I geuss it's just one of the misteries of life.


I would like to take this time to say I'm sorry. Everyone on theO is soooo nice and I've gotten a lot of kind words. Unfortunatly I cant get on the internet verry often so it's taking me awhile to p.m. back. I'm sorry for this, it's not negligence; simply no oppretuinity. So I'm sorry.

Feb, 16 2010

It's cold outside, which makes me think of penguins. I love them; there just soooo cute! Why do they feel the need to dress-up where ever they go? Someone needs to inform them about casual friday. There a little snobby; almost as if they know their to cute. Waldaling arownd, the nerve. But they are super cute.

Wired thoughts.

Have you ever thought about random things? I do!!! Like if I were a bird, I'd want to be a raven! Birds are so free thay can just fly away. I envy birds. But I wouldnt want to be a flightless bird.(thats just crule)